On 2 September 2011 05:35, Anca Emanuel <anca.eman...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there an tutorial to install qemu in ubuntu and run some linaro image ?
> I want to test it.

I'm not aware of a tutorial;

You can grab the latest qemu-linaro release from:


If you just want to test with running an image then I would configure with

./configure --target-list=arm-softmmu

The easiest image to test with is the Overo image; so if you grab the
prebuilt image


decompress it and then do something like:

./arm-softmmu/qemu-system-arm -M overo -m 256 -serial
telnet::4444,server -drive
file=overo-ubuntu-desktop.img,if=sd,cache=writeback -device usb-kbd
-device usb-mouse

Then in another terminal do a

telnet localhost 4444

That should get you the serial console; if you didn't have SDL then
you'll have to connect using vnc:

vncviewer localhost:0

Note that the Overo is a bit low on RAM for the full desktop image, so
it's a bit slow, but it's the easiest combination to get going.


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