On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 04:24:17PM -0500, Zach Pfeffer wrote:
> >>> "What I think we need is for Linaro to take charge of common-3.x, ie,
> >>> a linaro-common-tracking branch.  That will let anyone 'androidize'
> >>> Linus HEAD based trees, which you can't do routinely at the moment.  I
> >>> guess usually, it's no so painful to continuously uplevel Android
> >>> patchset day by day unless some gross conflict is coming."
> >>>
> >>> John's opinion is that this upleveling isn't trivial and that we
> >>> should wait for Google to do it since they're the experts.

So how do we accomplish this common tracking branch across new releases
of upstream? Or am I misunderstanding Andy's idea -- is he not
suggesting we have something which is Linus HEAD plus Android patches?

> Should we just shoot for only making Android builds from upstreamed
> work (kernel.org and AOSP) and not worry about hardware enablement
> unless that enablement can be done in an upstreamable way?

If the question is simply that, the answer is of course no -- the
Landing Team trees can contain stuff which is not-yet-upstreamable, and
we should still use them for Android builds if they can be used for that.

But I think you're asking a different question.
Christian Robottom Reis, Engineering VP
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