
There were few user-facing improvements for
https://android-build.linaro.org/ , Linaro Android Build System, from
which can be downloaded daily builds of Android components (platform,

1. HTTP downloads were enabled.

It was long-standing feature request, and brings number of improvements
to user experience and system scalability:
  a) With 100Mb+ downloads android-build.linaro.org provides, going
  plain HTTP instead of SSL improves download speed pretty well.
  b) Taking into account that downloads are server by not very powerful
  EC2 instance, alleviating it from SSL number-crunching improve
  concurrent download speed and build performance.
  c) Using plain HTTP gets around SSL certificate issues, the need to
  do extra click-thru in browser or use obscure options for wget.

2. HTTP downloads made default for the Build Frontend.

Instead of documenting HTTP download link on some obscure web page,
they were made default when browsing build results from
https://android-build.linaro.org , e.g.:


(Please note that all older links will keep working. Underlying
Jenkins instance also keeps using https:// links).

3. MD5SUMS are available for platform downloads.

Now it's easy to verify integrity of downloads using well-known
convention of MD5SUMS files. Whole download and integrity checking can
be scripted as:

wget -r -nd 
md5sum -c MD5SUMS

4. Links to easily access build logs in several formats added.

Last milestone, we enabled Jenkins Log Parser plugin, which allowed
to get quickly to the location of errors within 20MB build log file.
However, it was available only from within Jenkins. Now, links to the
most useful log browsing pages were added directly to frontend's build
page, following concept that frontend page should make the most useful
build information available and developers' fingertips. Now there're
(under "Log" subsection on the page):

  * Parsed - parsed log mentioned above, providing quick jump to error
    locations and stats about a build
  * Tail - Last 500KB or so of the log, which oftentimes contain error.
    With one click, entire log can be browsed, with all lines still
    nicely wrapped.
  * Raw - plain-text log, as available before. This is mostly suitable
    for download and local view, as lines are not wrapped in most
    browsers when viewing online.

for example.

Best Regards,

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