I had my "Binary Blobs Attack!!!" BoF session accepted at ELC this year:

Most SoC vendors distribute binary blobs with Linux kernel shims.
These binary blobs enable graphics engines, DSPs and other cores on
ARM and other architecture SoCs. These binary blobs tend to be tied to
specific kernel versions which limits unreadability and hackability
and complicates device manufactures, which slows down innovation and
the introduction of new and unique computing devices. This BoF is
aimed at trying to improve this situation with pragmatic steps.
Anyone interested in discussing their experience with binary blob
integration, ideas for making this easier to deal with across
architectures, ways to encourage openness while allowing vendor
differentiation and others interested in a constructive dialog should

I was wanted to get some feedback from people about their own binary
blob experiences. I think this will be a good place to have a good
productive conversation about this critical issue.

This is ELC so We'll want to cover issues that affect all Linux distros.

Zach Pfeffer
Android Platform Team Lead, Linaro Platform Teams
Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs
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