
Recently, Ubuntu revoked sun-java6-* packages following retirement of
its license:


It propagated to the repositories we use for android-build.linaro.org
slaves on this weekend. The end effect of this besides builds not being
able to proceed, is slave pile-up issue, as Jenkins, seeing an
initialization error for one slave, tries to start another, all going
in cycles. As it's pretty late in here, the action I'm taking is
disabling builds altogether, to proceed with resolving this first thing
in the morning (access to previous builds is still available).

Proposed actions are:

1. Install sun-java6-* from cached .deb's as risk-mitigating measure
while analyzing the issue.
2. Consider/test switching to OpenJDK, as recommended by
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidLynx/ReleaseNotes/Java6Transition . Note
that sun-java6 have been, and still is, listed by Google as the Android
build prerequisite: http://source.android.com/source/initializing.html
However, there were success reports with OpenJDK from individual
developers previously.

Best Regards,

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