
I've pushed the baseline for the 12.03 linux-linaro kernel tree to
git:// , linux-linaro branch.

Currently this is v3.3-rc6 plus:
- 4 topics from the ARM LT
- few commits being carried over from linux-linaro-3.1

This tree is not a history one, it will be rebased fairly often.

We are moving to a new process (more details will come later).
That's why the call for topics, not patches. If you have something to be included into the 12.03 and the following linux-linaro kernel releases, please send me a link to the git branch to pull from. This must be a "permanent" location, as this topic branch will be used for all the following releases (until there is a request from the topic owner to stop tracking it). As long as the topic branch merges OK into linux-linaro, it will be present in the linux-linaro releases. The topic branch should be based on recent linux-linaro or mainline Linus tree (like v3.3-rc5 or v3.3-rc6).


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