On 10 April 2012 07:13, John Stultz <johns...@us.ibm.com> wrote:
> So the Google Android team just posted this:
> http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/blogspot/hsDu/~3/OCt1AQzfyWI/faster-emulator-with-better-hardware.html
> Which shows their device emulator running w/ hardware acceleration.  Since I
> know they started with qemu, I was curious if there was any details as to if
> these sorts of changes were making it back upstream to qemu, or if qemu had
> its own plans for hardware acceleration?
> Unfortunately there's little technical details in the post above.  The video
> is clearly running on OS X, so I'm not sure if this will also be usable w/
> Linux hosts, but I could be wrong there.

Hi John.  Peter can say more, but I think they've done two things:
pass OpenGL operations through to the host and run a virtualised x86
Android image instead of a JITted ARM Android image.  I don't know
what's going upstream but the Google QEMU people are friendly and have
cherry picked from us before.

-- Michael

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