On 05/23/2012 05:25 PM, Andy Green wrote:
On 24/05/12 06:42, Somebody in the thread at some point said:

Am I right in thinking the issue you're running into here is that your
customer has direct expectations for the tree you're maintaining, which
makes adding unexpected instability on a vanilla build very

(If that's not the case, then generally I don't see a problem with
broadening the group testing the Androidization patches to the vanilla
set -- they will be beta testing, but that's one key part of open source

Pretty much, I think they're saying to their customers, "here's an enabled vanilla tree" and then nobody wants to see problems coming from OOT Androidization series. Since we already had "funny things" in vanilla build from the series, this isn't so paranoid to be concerned about.

I think part of the difficulty here has been the classic question of:
A) Is the linaro kernel release a development snapshot of the current state of our work - allowing us to get real world testing of our not-yet-upstreamed work?
B) Or is it a stable base for others to build upon?

And the answer so far has been "both!" (we're always optimistic! :) but this is a good example of a case where the integration testing of android code with mainline (which helps resolve issues before pushing upstream) is apparently considered too risky for folks wanting that stable base to build upon.

Again, I can see both sides, and what makes most sense depends on our priorities.

Personally I like the idea of the Androidization becoming part of
the basis because it puts us in generally converged direction with
mainline.  But then we have a responsibility to make it as
transparent as mainline will insist that it is if we expect members
are seriously going to offer vanilla kernels on this basis.

I like it too. What could we do cheaply that will give us the
transparency or policy that addresses the risk you've outlined?

Someone needs to audit the OOT Androidization stuff and confirm that for patches that go "out of their box", ie, reach out of /staging or some specific driver:

- the impact of the patch is negated if CONFIG_ANDROID or some more specific config is disabled, or,

 - remove the patch as too invasive, or,

 - conclude the patch is useful and needed in vanilla case too

there's a big variety of "out of the box" patches for stuff like cache code, mmc core, network stack and so on in that series last time I looked. We should give some assurance for people using linux-linaro-core-tracking that someone at least looked at each of those cases and determined its status as above.

Again, this would be great to have. Although the calls being made here also have costs to consider: * If we remove the patch, we diverge from AOSP, which makes keeping up with Google's tree more costly. * If the patch is needed in vanilla, but might not be acceptable, considerable work might be required to get it into shape. So what do we do in the meantime?

Further, for the various bits that are not config switched, any such review would need to be done by domain experts, as much of the changes (especially with regard to arm architecture and mmc tweaks) are well beyond my/a novice's ability to audit. In some cases where I've pushed seemingly trivial fixes from the AOSP stack to lkml, Russell and others have not been able to come to consensus as to if the fix is correct or not, so this definitely isn't a trivial work.

And all of the above suggestions you've made are desired, but given time constraints we've been focusing on the more generic functionality first, and moving from there to the more specific driver and architecture changes (which is where the majority of the un-config switched changes are). Its just taking some time to get there, so I suspect pushing the linaro-android tree into a separate merge tree is likely the easiest solution at this point to address your concern (assuming the loss of integration testing is deemed as ok).


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