== GCC ==

Posted 2 of our 4.5 patches upstream.

My latest 4.6 build and test completed, so I've pushed an update to the bzr branch. The branch is now up to mainline state as of the 12th.

Merged 3 4.5 patches into Linaro GCC 4.6. Upstream review isn't happening, so I've decided to commit them anyway. The last upload (FSF mainline as of 12th Feb) will therefore become the baseline I'm going to use for Linaro GCC 4.6.

Begun benchmarking the questionable patches before forward porting them, using EEMBC. Michael Hope has given me access to one of his A9 Panda boards in New Zealand. This ought to have been straight-forward, but of course it wasn't. It took me a while to convince myself I was getting meaningful results and testing the right thing. Also the A9 seemed to be able to complete the configured iterations in 'zero' time, which fooled me for a while. I think I now have a set up that works. It seems to run very slowly sometimes though - something to do with SSH?

Upstream patched requiring review:
* Thumb2 constants:
* Kazu's VFP testcases:
* Jie's thumb2 testcase fix:
* ARM EABI half-precision functions
* ARM Thumb2 Spill Likely tweak

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