On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 1:32 PM, Christopher Roberts
<crobe...@codeaurora.org> wrote:
> abe.sh in the ABE framework accepts a parameter to set the wget timeout when
> it fetches snapshots (default 10s); however that parameter has an upper
> threshold of 10 seconds (condition at line 996 only sets timeout to
> specified value if < 11). Is this intentional? It seems like it would make
> more sense to give it a floor instead of a ceiling or perhaps not limit the
> range of potential values at all.

I have no idea why it works the way it does.  It looks like it was
inherited from an earlier tool that I don't know anything about.  But
I'd suggest filing a bug at bugs.linaro.org if you care, as bug
reports are tracked, and probably more likely to get a useful answer
than a question to this list.

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