Hi Mike,

It could be that the bot isn’t configured with the x86 backend? Maybe the test 
needs to be predicated on x86 being available. If that’s not it it could be the 
triple: x86_64---macho looks kind of funky.

— Lang.

> On Dec 21, 2019, at 12:05 PM, Michael Trent <mtr...@apple.com> wrote:
> To whom,
> I’m seeing a failure on this bot:
> --
> Command Output (stderr):
> --
> /home/buildslave/buildslave/clang-cmake-armv7-quick/stage1/bin/llvm-objdump: 
> error: 
> '/home/buildslave/buildslave/clang-cmake-armv7-quick/llvm/llvm/test/tools/llvm-objdump/Inputs/macho-stabs-x86_64':
>  can't find target: : error: unable to get target for 'x86_64---macho', see 
> --version and --triple.
> This is just a binary file verifier. Is it the case this bot doesn’t have a 
> mach-o disassembler? And if so, is there a way to disable this test on this 
> bot?
> Thanks!

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