Thank you, Steve!!! I've been avoiding Nextdoor for a long time, but
had not figured out how to alert Lincoln people about it.  I'm very
grateful to you for getting the word out so well !!

Toby Frost

On 8/31/21 6:03 PM, Stephen R. Low wrote:

Today, we received a mailed solicitation to join signed by “Martin Werminghausen, S Great Rd. Perhaps we all received this is a for profit enterprise. It’s privacy policy ( is 26 pages long. The policy ends with this ominous statement: “By continuing to use Nextdoor, you understand that we may transfer and store your data outside your home country, including to and in the U.S., as described in this Privacy Policy.”

Preceding that warning, that document discloses the long list of data is collects from its users and the long list of entities it shares that data with. It also to “government identification.” Is that phrase a euphemism for driver’s license or social security card numbers? If not, what is does that mean exactly?

LincolnTalk has well served the community—especially now that the rancorous discussions have abated. _It would be a shame if seized enough market share from LincolnTalk to kill it._ It’s a real risk.

I hope that others will consider rejecting and will continue to use and strengthen the value of LincolnTalk.

Like garlic mustard, an invasive species, we’ve got to nip this one in the bud to preserve our native species.

Steve Low

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