I'd help out in such an effort ... I just don't know where they are ....

On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 1:13 PM Lincoln Historical Society <
lincolnmahistoricalsoci...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Many are along roadways and in Town ROW-perhaps we can ask Tree
> Warden/Town/DPW/Con.Comm. to take them.
> I bet most are small enough to grab easily.
> On Sep 18, 2021, at 1:10 PM, Debra Daugherty <dadaughe...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> One important takeaway is that we need to remove Trees of Heaven (invasive
> plant and the host to the lantern fly) wherever we find them. I can tell
> you that Trees of Heaven exist in Lincoln because I just removed a young
> one from our property! (Was kind of shocked to find it there ... where did
> it come from??)
> --Debra
> On Sat, Sep 18, 2021 at 9:58 AM Cmontie <cmon...@montie.net> wrote:
>> Hi Folks
>> I read a NYT article about an invasive insect called the Spotted
>> Lanternfly.  It reportedly can do a lot of damage by sucking sap from
>> tender parts of plants.  To learn more, I visited mass.gov which
>> referred me to a fact sheet.  It appears this insect has been found in
>> Concord (so: close by), and it’s requested that any sitings be reported.
>> There are no known natural predators and organic pest management is not
>> effective, so being proactive and stopping an infestation at the start is
>> the way to go.
>> Here is the fact sheet:
>> https://massnrc.org/pests/pestFAQsheets/spottedlanternfly.html
>> Best
>> Carolyn Montie
>> --
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