> Begin forwarded message:
> From: UMass Extension <extlandsc...@umass.edu>
> Subject: The Spotted Lanternfly Arrives in Massachusetts
> Date: September 28, 2021 at 3:52:22 PM EDT
> To: <outsideinformat...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: UMass Extension <extlandsc...@umass.edu>
> View this email in your browser 
> <https://mailchi.mp/umext/umass-extension-weedinar-glyphosate-411-april-4527982?e=88cd85baa6>
> The Spotted Lanternfly Arrives in Massachusetts
> The MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) announced on 9/28/21 that a 
> small, established, and breeding population of the invasive spotted 
> lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was detected in Worcester County, MA in the 
> city of Fitchburg. This finding was confirmed by state officials.
> For further details regarding what is currently known about this population 
> in Fitchburg, MA and MDAR’s response, read MDAR's press release 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=7203a66a84&e=88cd85baa6>.
> Adult spotted lanternfly found on a tree in Fitchburg, MA.
> (Courtesy of the MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources.)
> What Should You Do?
> Residents and professionals living and working across the Commonwealth should 
> learn the life stages of the spotted lanternfly and be able to identify their 
> eggs, immatures, and adults. At this time, it is particularly valuable to 
> learn how to ID spotted lanternfly adults and egg masses.
> If you think you have found any of the life stages of this insect in 
> Massachusetts, report them immediately by clicking here.
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=2e9fb7c75a&e=88cd85baa6>
> In particular, if you know of tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)* growing 
> nearby, check that preferred host for adults and egg masses and report 
> anything suspicious using the link above. That said, spotted lanternfly 
> adults and eggs masses (and immatures when active) may be found just about 
> anywhere.
> *The tree of heaven is a rapidly growing deciduous tree native to China and 
> Taiwan that has become a widespread invasive species across North America. 
> Learn how to identify this invasive tree here: 
> https://extension.psu.edu/tree-of-heaven 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=ef4482e1a4&e=88cd85baa6>.
> Should You Treat?
> At this time, the only established (breeding) population of spotted 
> lanternfly in Massachusetts is in a small area of Fitchburg, MA. Therefore, 
> there is no reason to be preemptively treating for this insect in other areas 
> of Massachusetts at this time. If you suspect you have found spotted 
> lanternfly in additional locations, please report it immediately to MDAR at 
> the link above. If you are living and working in the Fitchburg area, please 
> be vigilant and continue to report anything suspicious.
> What is at Risk?
> The spotted lanternfly feeds on over 103 different species of plants, 
> including agriculturally significant crops (apple, peach, grape, etc.) and 
> trees and shrubs that are important in our managed landscapes and natural 
> areas. Due to various factors, spotted lanternflies are also a significant 
> public nuisance once they become established.
> For More Information
> From UMass Extension: Spotted Lanternfly fact sheet 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=301e8f1dd4&e=88cd85baa6>
> From the MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources:
> MDAR's Spotted lanternfly fact sheet 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=0d4f0721fc&e=88cd85baa6>
> Nursery Best Management Practices 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=6f4626e4e3&e=88cd85baa6>
>  (January 2021)
> Best Practices for Businesses 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=87d93e6e08&e=88cd85baa6>
> Checklist for Residents in or near Infested Areas 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=46ea544448&e=88cd85baa6>
> Driver’s Checklist in English 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=14b3d7dd97&e=88cd85baa6>
>  or Spanish 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=853593b6c2&e=88cd85baa6>
>  (September 2021)
> Moving Industry Checklist 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=37d01685d5&e=88cd85baa6>
>  (February 2021)
> Keep your eyes open! Click here to report suspected finds of spotted 
> lanternfly immediately to the MA Dept. of Agricultural Resources.
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=d59b98ef7d&e=88cd85baa6>
> UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry Program
> (413) 545-0895
> Fax. (413) 577-1620
> ag.umass.edu/landscape 
> <https://umass.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=44869c320d4a0efb32838fcf5&id=ea13d1afe4&e=88cd85baa6>
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> participant in our programs and services. Please see the links in this footer 
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> Our mailing address is:
> UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery & Urban Forestry Program, French Hall, 230 
> Stockbridge Rd, Amherst MA 01003
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Robin Wilkerson
31 Old Winter St.
Lincoln, MA 01773

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