Every ten years they do an inter-faith service on Earth and Climate in
Old South Church at Copley Square.  I get invited to recite Hindu
scriptures at the event. It is tomorrow (10/3) at 3 PM.
You can join if you like.  Attaching the program
Best regards,

*Love. Earth. Justice.*

*A Multifaith Service of Prayer, Celebration, and Light*

*Old South Church in Boston*

*Sunday, October 3, 2021*

*3 p.m.*

*Prelude*                                                           “Wake,
Now, My Senses” (Traditional Irish)

*Processional                                                   “*Here I
Am, Lord” by Daniel Laurent Schutte

*“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who
will go for us?’ *

*And I said, ‘Here am I; send me.’”*—Isaiah 6:8

*Invoking the Spirit*                                        Rev. Dr. Nancy
S. Taylor

*Welcome and Land Acknowledgment        *Rev. Fred Small

*Call to Prayer            *                                    Imam
Ibrahim Sayar

*Hymn                                                              *For the
Beauty of the Earth (See insert.)

*                                    Please rise in body or in spirit.*

*A Litany of Sorrow                                       *Rev. Vernon K.

United Nations Environmental Sabbath

The people respond: “We have forgotten who we are.”

*Wampanoag Prayer and Song                     *Hartman Deetz

*Lament for Creation                                     *Rev. Dr. Margaret

*Song of Lament                                             *Robert A. Jonas

“Kojo No Tsuki,” performed on the shakuhachi (Japanese bamboo flute)

*Meditation                                                      *Yenkuei

*Singing Together*                                           Rabbi Shoshana
Meira Friedman

“More Waters Rising” by Saro Lynch

*      Please rise in body or in spirit.*

*Prayers                                                           *Dr. Bijoy

*Sermon           *                                                Rev.
Traci Blackmon

*Prayer                                                            *Sister
Tess Browne

*Offertory                                                        *Old
South Church Jazz Ensemble

*The offering will be shared equally between GreenRoots*

*and the Faith in Action Campaign of Massachusetts Interfaith Power &

*A Litany of Healing                                       *Rev. Vernon K.

United Nations Environmental Sabbath

The people respond: “We join with the earth and with each other.”

*Singing Together*                                           Rabbi Shoshana
Meira Friedman

“The Tide Is Rising” by Shoshana Meira Friedman & Yotam Schachter

*Please rise in body or in spirit.*

*Benediction*                                                    Rev. Dr.
Margaret Bullitt-Jonas

*Postlude *                                                        Mitchell

*We respectfully ask that no photographs be taken during times of prayer*.

*Worship Leaders and Musicians*

*Marie-Thérèse “Tess” Browne*

Sisters of Charity of Nazareth

*Rev. Dr. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas*

Missioner for Creation Care for the Episcopal Diocese of
Western Massachusetts and the Southern New England Conference of the United
Church of Christ; Advisor for Creation Care for the Episcopal Diocese of

*Dr. Yenkuei Chuang*

Everyday Mindfulness Everywhere

*Mitchell Crawford*

Minister of Music, Old South Church in Boston

*Hartman Deetz*

Enrolled Member, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe

*Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman*

Director of Professional Development, Hebrew College, and Rabbinic
Ambassador, Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action

*Dr. Robert A. Jonas*

Director, The Empty Bell, Northampton

*Dr. Bijoy Misra*

President, India Discovery Center

*Old South Church Jazz Ensemble*

Kelly Lopez, *vocals *

Doug Rich, *bass*

Willie Sordillo, *saxophone*

Carolyn Wilkins, *piano*

*Imam Ibrahim Sayar*

Staff Chaplain, Boston Children’s Hospital

*Rev. Fred Small*

Policy Director, Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light

*Rev. Dr. Nancy S. Taylor*

Senior Minister, Old South Church in Boston

*Rev. Vernon K. Walker*

Senior Program Manager, Communities Responding to Extreme Weather


*Ted Wade*




*Shayna Gleason MaryAnn Lape*

*??? ???*

*Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light ( <>)
is grateful to our cosponsors:*

*Boston Catholic Climate Movement (*

* Climate Crisis Task Force of Old South Church
( <>)
Environmental Ministries Team of the Southern New England Conference, *

*   United Church of Christ (
<>) *
*Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts (

* Faith Communities Environmental Network (
<>) **Jewish Climate Action Network*
<> (

* St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Falmouth (
<>) UU Mass Action (

We are thankful for the generous support of the staff and volunteers of Old
South Church in Boston, especially the Climate Crisis Task Force, Mitchell
Crawford, Jamie Garuti, Helen McCrady, Rev. Katherine A. Schofield, Willie
Sordillo, and Rev. Dr. Nancy S. Taylor.

For more information about GreenRoots:

For more information about MassIPL’s Faith in Action Campaign:
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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