It's Thanksgiving!  I know you are wondering how you can give back to your
community during the holidays. Well, Donelan's is running a promotion to
give food to the Lincoln Food Pantry.

At the checkout counter at Donelan's Supermarket you can donate $10.00 that
will provide the Lincoln Food Pantry with boxes of the following items to
feed our many families:

Peanut butter
Grape Jelly
Instant Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
Turkey Stuffing
Turkey Gravy
Toasted Oats Cereal

This promotion goes through November 27th.  You cannot know what a
difference this will mean to the many families in our community who depend
upon the food pantry to help feed their families.

Thank you for your kind consideration, and always, thank you to Donelan's
for supporting us. We could not do it without you!

Karen Boyce
Lincoln Food Pantry
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