Deadline Announced for Annual Town Meeting Petitions
This year's deadline for submitting citizens' petitions for our March 26, 2022, 
Annual Town Meeting is Monday, January 31, 2022, at noon.  Citizens who are 
considering sponsoring a Town Meeting petition are strongly urged to contact 
the Town Clerk's Office (781 259-2607 or<>) for guidance about the 
At this time, barring some significant change in public health conditions, the 
Town intends to host Annual Town Meeting in-person, in the newly renovated 
Lincoln School Auditorium on the Ballfield Road campus.  Our office will 
contact the people identified as lead petitioners to ensure coordination as we 
prepare for the discussions and presentations that will be occurring in advance 
of Town Meeting.
For the Select Board,
Timothy S. Higgins

Peggy Elder
Administrative Assistant to
the Select Board
And Town Administrator
Town of Lincoln
* Direct 781-259-2601
* Email<>

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