> MBTA Communities Webinar on the Multi-family Zoning Requirement
> Wednesday, January 12 at 1 p.m. 

This is an important meeting.
There has been much talk about this new legislation and the multi-family zoning 
 “requirement,"  and the implications for Lincoln.
Much of the has been alarming.
It should not be.
A full read of the legislation and confirmation by Town Counsel and others is 

(b)  An MBTA community that fails to comply with this section shall not be 
eligible for funds from: (i) the Housing Choice Initiative as described by the 
governor in a message to the general court dated December 11, 2017; (ii) the 
Local Capital Projects Fund established in section 2EEEE of chapter 29; or 
(iii) the MassWorks infrastructure program established in section 63 of chapter 

Note:  The “requirement” is only a requirement if you want access to certain 
pools of State $$.
These no other “penalty.”

Here is the Housing Choice Initiative message referenced:

And here is information about MassWorks:
Per M.G.L.ch.23A§63, the primary purpose of the MassWorks Program is: to issue 
grants to municipalities and other public instrumentalities for design, 
construction, building, land acquisition, rehabilitation, repair and other 
improvements to publicly-owned infrastructure including, but not limited to, 
sewers, utility extensions, streets, roads, curb-cuts, parking, water treatment 
systems, telecommunications systems, transit improvements, public parks and 
spaces within urban renewal districts, and pedestrian and bicycle ways.


Note that the money is to go to “publicly-owned infrastructure."

While Lincoln may want to access these fund by making a change in our zoning by 
laws, we need to be clear and specific about objectives. 
We might have used these funds, in the past,  to complete the paths and work 
around Lincoln Station.
Now, what do we entertain going forward?
And, if we seek a zoning change to access these funds going forward,  we should 
be clear as to the trade-offs.

I would urge all who can to attend to learn more as Lincoln plans for the 

Sara Mattes

> On Jan 6, 2022, at 12:29 PM, Jennifer Glass via Lincoln 
> <lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:
> Lincoln belongs to the “MAGIC” subregion of the Metropolitan Area Planning 
> Council (MAPC).  The main topic of the next MAGIC meeting is an update on the 
> regional EV Infrastructure procurement project.  All meetings are open to the 
> public.
> Also, see below for links to a webinar on the multi-family zoning 
> requirements for MBTA communities and for a recently released inventory of 
> Metro Boston trails, bikeways, and greenways.
> —Jennifer
> MAGIC Meeting:
> Legislative Updates, TAP Funding, and EV Infrastructure Procurement
> Tuesday, January 11 | 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
> MAGIC's next meeting will be on Tuesday, January 11 from 9 a.m. - 10:30 
> a.m.Please join the meeting using this link 
> <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FPldYaMUkA7rVJ9uOIIagxlBeRN5I7-Cq3vybXaQzgizLaEprsNEYB9tqzvlCFxCW6mRkPivZG3U_yaPbaqZMITi5QuOLeCStxERcerEqYsLL5aJfnUjqVQVdK8X6MASwXdCRh6AMZ6rioP8qkj_EN7u1XpGTzlf6c9r1bqtpk9quuURgoA3NI-5K1CHnR8QKrMVWA4tzFHJi85U8Uovfg==&c=UP_Gd0WpRTuruvq7wvjgUZKTrY-ELA4BDGq9-dK0vwHCUr-Jj8JWiw==&ch=rYYhKAT643lpi0MQ6u2otRixVUmpc0yGZJwxrnjK4EJqOe483MsSKQ==>.
> MBTA Communities Webinar on the Multi-family Zoning Requirement
> Wednesday, January 12 at 1 p.m. 
> Enacted in January 2021, the new Section 3A of M.G.L. c. 40A 
> <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FPldYaMUkA7rVJ9uOIIagxlBeRN5I7-Cq3vybXaQzgizLaEprsNEYB9tqzvlCFxCIvZolBqHOvkucNfW5DXdBv_8dRK3Tvyuyqaldv3ELio54gJtLHvR9vOlULT5MpSRqf6cFIurBcTouTbpu7AhhRXIqZ13UGnm_N8YbhnT8G8ivBqf2nDRXaxMLtMBxzGuUotESNiprdU8us4DvvJbB02cfssWusqHgqduu65tSGo=&c=UP_Gd0WpRTuruvq7wvjgUZKTrY-ELA4BDGq9-dK0vwHCUr-Jj8JWiw==&ch=rYYhKAT643lpi0MQ6u2otRixVUmpc0yGZJwxrnjK4EJqOe483MsSKQ==>
>  (the Zoning Act) requires that an MBTA community shall have at least one 
> zoning district of reasonable size in which multi-family housing is permitted 
> as of right and meets other criteria set forth in the statute. 
> To learn more about this new requirement, please join a webinar hosted by the 
> Baker-Polito Administration on Wednesday, January 12 at 1pm. Click here to 
> register 
> <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FPldYaMUkA7rVJ9uOIIagxlBeRN5I7-Cq3vybXaQzgizLaEprsNEYB9tqzvlCFxCrkbMP1VaqlVuugchnEGZyNuNi7_3Pg920NvAenpM92sPTZs-9_T0yBQh4_ijzuF1ofon8sFc60FcOT9H_8VkN0bhXa4Jw-ghYxQ_aqYc0HMfcVpOwD-QKQQf-5dsuS4rcPW0jJ9K2DY=&c=UP_Gd0WpRTuruvq7wvjgUZKTrY-ELA4BDGq9-dK0vwHCUr-Jj8JWiw==&ch=rYYhKAT643lpi0MQ6u2otRixVUmpc0yGZJwxrnjK4EJqOe483MsSKQ==>.
> Metro Boston Municipal Trails, Bikeways, and Greenways Inventory
> To help track implementation of our Landline Vision Plan, MAPC has developed 
> a database of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the 101 
> municipalities we serve. In our "Metro Boston Municipal Trails, Bikeways & 
> Greenways Inventory," MAPC compares and ranks communities based on shared use 
> path, bicycle lane, and foot trail availability. Learn more here 
> <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001FPldYaMUkA7rVJ9uOIIagxlBeRN5I7-Cq3vybXaQzgizLaEprsNEYB9tqzvlCFxCn7AmuFCuf74hijZl2qbkb2OzlAuAcp1YuKpRAAEDHr3IdHwvo94OjZj5bqeA3EosOr_YjYLh4x9x_CuuviCN0GyKDMv6n6Yn3LslO0gxjsPLbSVi2W6NBe2hddOrm0gA&c=UP_Gd0WpRTuruvq7wvjgUZKTrY-ELA4BDGq9-dK0vwHCUr-Jj8JWiw==&ch=rYYhKAT643lpi0MQ6u2otRixVUmpc0yGZJwxrnjK4EJqOe483MsSKQ==>.
> -- 
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To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
Search the archives at http://lincoln.2330058.n4.nabble.com/.
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