Please read "human values".
Thank you.

On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 5:22 PM Chris McCarthy <> wrote:

> Why would anyone be concerned with christian values when determining
> housing policy? There is however an otherworldly housing affordability
> problem in the Greater Boston area, with Lincoln being a prime example of
> entrenched nimbyism. Imagine suggesting the possibility that we forego
> funding or close a T stop to keep out the poors.
> "At least with our liberal views in the own, we can make ourselves a
> model community"
> The housing bill is a priority, so to truly be a model community it is
> time to step it up. Either that or pull down those feel good signs you put
> up at the end of your driveway. Phil Ochs had a lot to say about that topic.
> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022, 16:58 Bijoy Misra <> wrote:
>> Dear Allen,
>> You might recall my objection to similar comments of yours in the meeting
>> of the Housing Commission.
>> We should keep away from any thoughts of creating a "serving class"
>> through the town housing stock.
>> Some of us are lucky to have better incomes or being born to wealth.  A
>> serving person should not
>> get into a lower quality of life because of his/her affordability of
>> housing.  A serving person could indeed
>> be brighter and the children could be smarter.  In the present day and
>> age of globalization, we should
>> strive for a more integrated society by respecting labor and the lack of
>> privilege.  At least with our liberal
>> views in the own, we can make ourselves a model community by considering
>> all aspects in developing
>> the quality of life like health, food, education and social
>> relationships.  Oppressive shanty towns for
>> labor is a colonial idea whose days are long past. Currently we should
>> help create excellence and nurture
>> productivity.
>> You labeled me as a "troublemaker" those days. I thought you would
>> understand the Christian values better
>> since you have served as a pastor for some time.  I was troubled to see
>> your thoughts once again and I thought
>> to comment.  People who serve us are our policemen, firefighters, health
>> workers, town workers, teachers
>> along with gardeners, janitors and cooks.  We must think of them
>> collectively as a part of our community.
>> Hope you may reflect and appreciate.
>> Best regards,
>> Bijoy
>> On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 11:24 AM Allen Vander Meulen <
>>> wrote:
>>> It should also be noted that the “density” metric is measured on a per
>>> lot basis.
>>> Lincoln Woods has been cited in this thread as a “high density”
>>> development, but property contains a lot of wetland and conservation land,
>>> as well as a septic treatment plant set well back from the rest of the
>>> property - around 21 acres all told.  So, with 125 units, its actual
>>> density is only about 6 units / acre - well under the state’s proposed “By
>>> Right” minimum for the Lincoln Station area.
>>> "The Commons" property is about 31 acres with around 209 living units,
>>> according to its online “property card”.  So its density is under 7
>>> units/acre.
>>> Oriole Landing (next door to The Commons) is about 6 acres - with 60
>>> units, or 10 units / acre, and is therefore the town’s highest-density
>>> property - and both The Commons and Oriole Landing are quite far from any
>>> public transit.
>>> In other words, none of the major multi-unit developments in town are
>>> even close to the proposed requirement of 15 units/acre.  However, as
>>> Margaret Olson said, this proposed “by Right” zoning can be modified by
>>> restrictions due to wetlands, conservation, and other considerations and
>>> controls imposed by the town.  And, it will be some time before the
>>> proposed regulations are finalized - with a lot of negotiating and refining
>>> likely to happen between now and then.
>>> It is abundantly clear we need far more housing in this town for those
>>> with low to moderate incomes.  Many employers in town (far more than most
>>> of us realize) need people willing to fill their low to moderate income
>>> positions.  But with a very limited supply of affordable housing, most of
>>> these people have to commute huge distances to work here.  Given a choice,
>>> they will choose to work closer to home and/or at businesses with less
>>> expensive transportation options.  So, our local businesses, nonprofits,
>>> and service providers are struggling to find and retain adequate help: the
>>> issue isn’t the quality of work the environment, but whether their
>>> employees can afford to work here in town at all.
>>> From an Affordable Housing point of view, Lincoln is (in theory) in a
>>> good “place” right now, thanks to the addition of 60 units to our
>>> “Subsidized Housing Inventory” courtesy of the Oriole Landing project.
>>> Under current law, we should be safe for quite some time from high-density
>>> developments built without concern for harmonizing with the community.
>>> But, as the Housing Choice Act shows, the law is changing - and needs to.
>>> Personally, I welcome the Housing Choice Act as an important first
>>> effort to address those needs.  However, it is far from perfect: the
>>> proposed regulations and guidelines that derive from it will need
>>> considerable refinement before they can work as the state intends for towns
>>> like Lincoln.  I also expect that this is merely the first step in a series
>>> of moves the Commonwealth will make over the next several years to
>>> encourage, and eventually require, more low to moderate income housing as
>>> well as improved access to public transportation.
>>> I believe we must be thoughtfully proactive on these issues.  Lincoln is
>>> already doing so through the work of SLPAC and the Planning Board - among
>>> other efforts.  Ignoring or downplaying these issues will eventually lead
>>> to the town being forced into making difficult, painful, and expensive
>>> adjustments with no recourse - as has happened in several nearby
>>> communities.
>>> We need to continue to pursue more and better housing options here in
>>> town for all - doing so thoughtfully, carefully, and mindful of what’s best
>>> for not just ourselves, but for our neighbors and local businesses as well.
>>> - Allen Vander Meulen
>>> On Jan 24, 2022, at 20:48, Margaret Olson <> wrote:
>>> The Housing Choice Act covers "by right" zoning. Specifically, to comply
>>> we would need to zone 50 acres at 15 units per acre. The Oriole Landing
>>> buildings are consistent with that density.
>>> The act does not address housing construction or the current
>>> multi-family housing inventory. It is concerned only with zoning.
>>> In other words, if we were to zone the entire 1/2 mile around the MBTA
>>> station for 15 units per acre, and none of the current owners either built
>>> multi-family housing or sold their property to a developer, we would be in
>>> compliance even though no new housing would be built in that scenario.
>>> Similarly, if we had 750 units in our current South Lincoln overlay
>>> district we would not be in compliance because the overlay requires town
>>> meeting approval. "By right" means that the property owner has the right to
>>> build at the specified density. The town is still able to apply regulations
>>> - building heights, design guidelines, site plan review, and other controls
>>> over the nature of the development.
>>> Margaret
>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 8:10 PM Joan Kimball <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> I believe that many existing units count.  Could someone please
>>>> clarify?  Planning Board?
>>>> Many of us want to help with the housing crisis in this part of MA. And
>>>> i appreciate that there are differing opinions. May we continue to be civil
>>>> as we are doing now.
>>>> Joan
>>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022, 7:54 PM Debra Daugherty <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I guess I wish they would just take into consideration the housing we
>>>>> already have. There are 120 units next to the Hanscom bus stop (Battle 
>>>>> Road
>>>>> Farm) not to mention all the HAFB units. That's a ton of units. There's a
>>>>> lot of open land on the Hanscom Air Field lot right across the street from
>>>>> the bus stop, but I'm not sure what the status of that land is. In town we
>>>>> have lots of units in Lincoln Woods right next to the train. Not sure why
>>>>> that shouldn't count toward our quota.
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 7:06 PM Bob Mason <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> I don't (yet) have a POV on the specifics of this legislation nor the
>>>>>> feasibility for Lincoln, but I do wonder about a moral responsibility to
>>>>>> reconsider wholesale housing policy in towns like Lincoln.
>>>>>> It is my understanding that part of the housing crises that have
>>>>>> plagued San Francisco, Los Angeles and other metropolitan regions across
>>>>>> the US all have to do with too much NIMBYISM. At some point, for us to 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> a functional society, we need to rethink our physical infrastructure and
>>>>>> how that can create stronger communities, have greater economic impact 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> reduce environmental pressures.
>>>>>> Perhaps the specifics of this legislation is untenable for the
>>>>>> geographical constraints of Lincoln, but maybe we need to lean even more
>>>>>> into being part of the metropolitan solution.
>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 6:49 PM Richard Panetta <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Margaret,
>>>>>>> Would the property near the bus stop be an area of concern as well
>>>>>>> then? Or would most of that land be in the National Park district?
>>>>>>> Rich
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 6:45 PM Margaret Olson <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Sara,
>>>>>>>> The original map published in the Squirrel was incorrect. This is
>>>>>>>> my fault - I made that map and made a mistake in the GIS. This was 
>>>>>>>> brought
>>>>>>>> to my attention in the comments; Alice contacted me and she updated the
>>>>>>>> article with the corrected map.
>>>>>>>> What the updated map shows is that in order to comply we would need
>>>>>>>> to rezone some of the current R1 (single family 2 acre) zone that is 
>>>>>>>> within
>>>>>>>> a half mile of the station. Depending on how the regulations shape up 
>>>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>> the comment period the town may be facing some difficult choices.
>>>>>>>> On the question of the MBTA station - we also have a bus stop, at
>>>>>>>> Hanscom. We are a bus service town under the draft rules.
>>>>>>>> Margaret
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 5:53 PM Sara Mattes <>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Very interesting, and there will be serious push-back.
>>>>>>>>> Note-"That is the message Massachusetts is sending to 175 cities
>>>>>>>>> and suburbs in the Boston area, as a bill passed last year to boost 
>>>>>>>>> housing
>>>>>>>>> production begins to take effect
>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>> *.** Almost every jurisdiction in eastern Massachusetts, from the
>>>>>>>>> New Hampshire border to Worcester to the Cape Cod Canal…**”*
>>>>>>>>> Certainly some serious pressure will and should be placed on State
>>>>>>>>> Reps. once other towns realize the implications.
>>>>>>>>> Lincoln already has grasped the implications.
>>>>>>>>> For Lincoln, as was shown in a recent article in the *Squirrel,* the
>>>>>>>>> land available, given the map proposed by MAPC and this new
>>>>>>>>> growth initiative (NOT a mandate), the proposed 750 units would have 
>>>>>>>>> to fit
>>>>>>>>> into a very small land mass.
>>>>>>>>> In order to reach 750 units, we would need to redevelop with 5-6
>>>>>>>>> story buildings, at a minimum.
>>>>>>>>> It simply is not feasible.
>>>>>>>>> We should all be contacting our current and future State Reps. to
>>>>>>>>> ask their positions,  and to explain.
>>>>>>>>> We have regularly added multi
>>>>>>>>> family housing, including affordable housing to our inventory, and,
>>>>>>>>> I expect we will continue to do so, but not in this manner.
>>>>>>>>> Sara Mattes
>>>>>>>>> *------*
>>>>>>>>> Sara Mattes
>>>>>>>>> On Jan 24, 2022, at 5:29 PM, Lynne Smith <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> An interesting article for Lincoln.
>>>>>>>>> Lynne Smith
>>>>>>>>> 5 Tabor Hill Road
>>>>>>>>> <,+MA+01773?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>>>>>> Lincoln, MA 01773
>>>>>>>>> <,+MA+01773?entry=gmail&source=g>
>>>>>>>>> 781-258-1175
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