Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Kristen.  I agree with you 100%.

I also must say that while I should not be surprised, I was disappointed to
see that someone in our community would trot out the CRT straw man as a
campaign/scare tactic.

I will join you in voting for Kim Rajdev for School Committee.

John Mendelson

On Fri, Mar 25, 2022, 4:38 PM Kristen Ferris <>

> Jay,
> I wanted to respond to your reference to CRT (Critical Race Theory) in the
> flyer you recently mailed.
> First, I want to note that having spent my career working in and with
> schools and districts, what you pose as a dichotomy, “instead of CRT, Jay
> will focus on education” is absolutely not. Our teachers and school staff
> have the opportunity, skills, and obligation to BOTH provide our students
> with an excellent education AND do that in a way that considers and
> includes ideas around race and racism.
> To avoid discussions of race and racism in school is first unrealistic.
> Research shows that children develop awareness and attitudes about race,
> including implicit biases by the time they are school age.
> Further, to avoid these discussions is actually harmful, to ALL students.
> To quote from a fantastic resource from the Aspen Institute (see link
> below),* “Research shows that teaching students about the history and
> current manifestations of racism has overwhelmingly positive effects
> for all students…Teachers need support to improve their practice in this
> area, but avoiding teaching about race and racism is detrimental to
> students’ learning and healthy development.”*
> For those who are interested in learning more about this topic and the
> research behind it, please see this resource here:
> As a mother of 3 children attending school in LPS and as the current Chair
> of the METCO Coordinating Committee, I am proud that our school
> administration and current School Committee has chosen to invest in
> supporting teachers in their practice of teaching in ways that recognize
> race, diversity, empathy and belonging.
> I also think it’s essential that my children belong to a community that
> sees promoting the inclusion and belonging of each of its members as
> critical, and that recognizes that this means naming and dismantling some
> of the social and institutional constructs that have historically prevented
> that.
> This is why I'm supporting Kim Rajdev for School Committee, because she
> has expressed her explicit support for the district's anti-racism,
> inclusion, diversity, and equity work, and sees the importance of it
> along-side and in connection with the district's critical work to provide
> relevant, rigorous, and engaging instruction.
> Thank you,
> Kristen Ferris
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