Richard -
I don't think repeating myself or saying the same things a different way
will be useful. So I'll just stop now.

- Paul

On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 6:22 PM Richard Panetta <>

> Sorry Paul,  you are contradicting yourself here. You say we need to act
> immediately, you rushed this motion without any bylaws on paper out because
> action needed to be taken now by your own words. Yet you are talking about
> small steps here and do not want to ban all fossil fuel use. You will allow
> propane and wood fires which are mostly for esthetics than heat. If you do
> not wish to ban all then how much of a crisis do you really think this is?
> This is becoming  a trend in town. It seems residents construct poorly
> written and conceived motions thinking that since a majority in town feel
> the same way you can get away with doing so.
> On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 5:29 PM Paul Shorb <> wrote:
>> Dennis -
>> 1.  You misunderstand the proposal if you think its main motivation or
>> justification is to benefit the builders or residents in future new
>> buildings. It should be clear from the slides we shared in our two webinars
>> and at Town Meeting that the main motivation is to take one small, initial
>> step out of many that we need to take to slow down climate change. It just
>> happens, so it was worth mentioning, that this small initial step has some
>> cost advantages for builders and owners albeit. But as I
>> mentioned elsewhere today on LT, I don't trust all builders to respond
>> immediately to the modest cost delta, so a mandate is warranted. It's ECON
>> 101 that the free market fails to produce the best result, and government
>> controls layered on top of free market mechanisms produce a better result,
>> in the case of major "negative externalities" associated with
>> self-interested decisions - right?
>> 2. Do you read my posts that respond to yours? I feel like I responded to
>> this point earlier.
>> It's uncontested that fossil fuels have powered great economic growth
>> which has lifted many out of poverty. However, if you think that trend line
>> can continue so happily,  you are ignoring the evidence about climate
>> change. The good news is that human ingenuity has already come up with most
>> of what we need to stop relying on fossil fuels (wind, solar, heat pumps,
>> etc.) with more on the way (better energy storage, "green" hydrogen, new
>> forms of nuclear, etc.) The problem is how fast we need to make the switch
>> - that's going to require concerted social and political action.
>> - Paul
>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 3:20 PM Dennis Liu <>
>> wrote:
>>> With all due respect:
>>>    1. If it is true, as has been asserted, that building your new home
>>>    to be all-electric “will not make the more expensive to build or 
>>> operate”,
>>>    then *we would not need a law to force people to do so*.  One cannot
>>>    have it both ways!  If X is actually better for folks, then one would not
>>>    need a law to force folks to do X!  Even a casual reader of history will
>>>    read about those in government who cry, “*the foolish people are
>>>    just ignorant, and don’t see what’s good for them; we are just doing this
>>>    on their behalf, forcing them to undertake what will be more beneficial 
>>> for
>>>    them!  Don’t you get it?  We know better than you do!*”
>>>    Similarly, let us not forget that it’s not just about the money.
>>>    Choosing X instead of Y can be driven not just be money, but by other
>>>    benefits.  Some folks might prefer certain attributes of Y, even if Y 
>>> might
>>>    cost less.  As one example – if you live in a 3,000 sq foot house, you
>>>    would almost certainly save money if you lived in a 2,000 sq ft house – 
>>> so
>>>    why would you want to live in the bigger house?  You might save money by
>>>    driving a Prius or a Tesla, so why shouldn’t we force people to only buy
>>>    those vehicles?
>>>    Is it so hard to see that individuals can make the best decisions
>>>    for themselves, to decide what’s in their best interests?
>>>    1. *“Climate justice is racial justice?”   *Again, with all due
>>>    respect, this is just . . . man, I lack the words.  So we are clear –
>>>    thanks to the growth of free-market (ish) economics in developing nations
>>>    over the last three decades, primarily in China and India but also other
>>>    developing countries, *OVER A BILLION PEOPLE HAVE CLIMBED OUT OF
>>>    EXTREME POVERTY*.  It’s an amazing feat!  And one of the biggest
>>>    drivers of that climb out of poverty – *THE AVAILABILITY OF
>>>    Yes, read that again.  Improved agriculture, the growth of
>>>    manufacturing, expanding free trade, migration from rural to urban areas
>>>    have helped billions of people climb out of horrible, subsistence-level 
>>> (or
>>>    below!!!) living.  The middle-class is explosively growing.  What drives
>>>    all of that?  Affordable, available energy.  Countless families have
>>>    transitioned out of subsistence farming, with heating and cooking using
>>>    wood or dung and resulting in terrible casualties from lung illnesses,
>>>    thanks to the availability of gas-powered machinery and available 
>>> electric
>>>    grids.
>>>    The sheer . . . well, I won’t label it, but I will say that it
>>>    astonishes me what folks living in the 1% in affluent American suburbs 
>>> (and
>>>    make no mistakes, if you’re a working adult in Lincoln, you’re almost
>>>    certainly in the global 1%; you just need $34k in annual income) will 
>>> make
>>>    arguments on  behalf of the ”oppressed”, and make claims of “racial
>>>    THAN A BILLION PEOPLE OUT OF POVERTY*:  affordable energy powered
>>>    by, yes, fossil fuels.
>>>    The primary reason why making these little symbolic,
>>>    virtue-signaling gestures in rich American suburbs will have zero
>>>    measurable impact on climate gas emissions is because America got rich by
>>>    burning lots of coal and oil; now China and India are doing the same 
>>> thing,
>>>    lifting billions of poverty, thanks to burning lots of coal and oil.  Who
>>>    the heck are we to tell China and India, “hey, you guys missed the boat,
>>>    you need to stop producing that critically needed energy, and immiserate
>>>    your people!”
>>>    Want **real** justice for the poor and oppressed around the globe?
>>>    Stand by and let them climb out of poverty in the same way America did,
>>>    starting a century ago, and focus instead on transitioning **mass**
>>>    energy production to natural gas and nuclear, keep working on renewable
>>>    energy, and **let human ingenuity research ways of mitigating the
>>>    effects of climate change and even turning it back through terraforming
>>>    measures.**
>>> .
>>> I’m just . . . at a loss for more words.
>>> --Dennis
>>> *From:* Lincoln <> *On Behalf Of *Paul
>>> Shorb
>>> *Sent:* Sunday, March 27, 2022 2:50 PM
>>> *To:* <> <>
>>> *Subject:* Re: [LincolnTalk] Town meeting Article 40/31
>>> I would like to respond to some recent posts here that seem to critique
>>> a move towards fossil-fuel-free homes as an expensive luxury for
>>> high-minded hypocrites who blissfully ignore adverse cost impacts on those
>>> economically less well-off. Here are some relevant facts that may be of
>>> interest to LT readers.
>>> Requiring new homes to be all-electric will not make them more expensive
>>> to build or operate. In fact, due to the almost miraculous energy
>>> efficiency of modern heat pumps, they tend to be LESS expensive to operate,
>>> thereby benefiting not only high-end homeowners but also less-affluent
>>> renters. (Not to mention the health benefits of cleaner indoor air.)  A
>>> recent state study show the cost benefits are even better for multi-family
>>> housing than for single family homes.
>>> All-electric homes are not required to have an emergency generator.
>>> Whether someone wants to have an emergency generator is a personal choice;
>>> many homes powered by fossil fuels choose to have one.
>>> We mention emergency generators to underscore that we expect they would
>>> still be allowed as an option, when and if Lincoln adopts a bylaw. Even if
>>> you assume a generator to be an additional cost associated with an
>>> all-electric house, that likely will be offset by reduced operating costs.
>>> With regard to DIE, it's hard to come up with something with more
>>> disparate impact on people of color than our current fossil-fuel economy
>>> and the climate change it is causing.
>>> In America it typically is lower-income people - often people of color -
>>> who live closest to fossil fuel extraction areas, fuel refineries, power
>>> plants, and areas thickest with vehicle exhaust fumes, and who thereby
>>> suffer the most from the local pollution effects.
>>> Around the world, it is regions populated mainly by black and brown
>>> people that are getting hit the hardest by the many impacts of climate
>>> change. Those are the people who are most at risk of being pushed back into
>>> poverty and worse by extreme weather events, droughts, food shortages, and
>>> desperate migration attempts and ensuing political strife - even though
>>> they have done much less than the more developed, majority-white nations
>>> have done to cause the current climate crisis.
>>> That's why it is rightly said that "climate justice is racial justice".
>>> - Paul Shorb
>>> On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 1:16 PM Stephanie Smoot <
>>>> wrote:
>>> I found irony that they were adding all these programs but a waiting
>>> list for senior tax work off spaces!
>>> On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 1:09 PM Richard Panetta <
>>>> wrote:
>>> So did anyone else find any irony in a report given about inclusion
>>> diversity equity and anti racism then the very next article the presenting
>>> sponsor when questioned about losing electricity stated well you can JUST
>>> get a propane generator for those needs.  Never mind a good generator can
>>> cost $5000 plus along with the yearly costs of the tank and propane. Just
>>> in case your non fossil fuel home loses power.
>>> --
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>>> Regards,
>>> *Stephanie Smoot*
>>> 857 368-9175  work
>>> 781 941-6842  personal cell
>>> *617 595-5217 *work cell
>>> 126 Chestnut Circle
>>> <,+MA+01773?entry=gmail&source=g>
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