We have five families who have kids and bad credit. For a variety of reasons 
the family needs to move.
Because of bad credit they can not get an apartment. Period.These are people 
who work hard as home health aides or people who work in hotels. These are good 
people who work very hard. Their credit is bad because their car broke down and 
they couldn't pay their bills and the car repairs; or they had covid and could 
not work for a few weeks; or the kid's preschool was closed because of covid.  
So they have no where to go. So what do they do? They make too much money to go 
into a shelter.
They send the kids to Africa to live with grandma for a few years and the 
parents stay here and work 2-3 jobs and save up to buy a house.
A horrible situation where the parents just can't find a way out.
SSEF is offering  a guarantee of $10,000 towards rent if the family 
defaults.But the family has to find their own cosigner. If they 
can't......either they live on the street or pay on their credit card for the 
kids to fly to Africa for a few years.
It is very hard to be the bottom of the totem pole.
It's heart breaking. Lots of painful good byes. Kids saying good bye to their 
parents to live with relatives they never met before. Everyone is in pain.
If you want more information email me!
Susan Winship, LICSW
Executive Director
South Sudanese Enrichment for Families
PO Box 492
Lincoln, MA 01773
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