Strategic Planning Community Virtual Forum
You are invited to join the School Committee for a Strategic Planning Community 
Forum on May 5th. All community members are encouraged to join in this working 
meeting to begin the strategic planning process for the 2022-2023 school year. 

When: May 5, 2022 06:00 PM

Please click here to register in advance 
for this meeting to assist us in planning an event based upon the number of 
participants. This will help us to create opportunities for everyone to 
contribute their thoughts and ideas that will inform the development of our 
Strategic Priorities. 

May is the time when the District begins the process of reflecting upon the 
progress we have made this year and analyzing all available information and 
data to inform our decisions about setting Strategic Priorities for the next 
school year.

The open virtual planning session will consist of sharing context about where 
we are as a school district and the direction that we are headed in, followed 
by breakout group conversations that allow us to hear from our stakeholders 
about what is important to you and where you feel we should be placing our 
resources and focus.  

We encourage community members, family members, students, and school employees 
to join the District Administration Team and School Committee to share your 
thoughts and ideas.  The input gathered during this forum will inform the work 
of the Administration and the School Committee as we develop our priorities for 
the coming school year.

Below is the invitation to participate in the Strategic Planning Community 
Forum.  Pre-registration is required and will help us to plan the event to 
ensure it is efficient and effective based upon the number of participants 
present.  Information about this year’s Strategic Priorities and the Strategic 
Maps that outline specific actions and outcomes can be found on the 
Superintendent’s webpage <>.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information 
about joining the meeting.

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