Unfortunately (or not) our first amendment protects people's right to lie
(with a few exceptions; i.e., slander).  And more and more politicians and
others seem to be taking advantage of that "right".

On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 8:09 PM Leslie Turek <leslie.tu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It's not just a question of differing beliefs; it's a question of facts vs
> lies. But you may well be right about not adding to the attention this
> person obviously seeks.
> Leslie Turek
> On Wed, May 4, 2022 at 8:04 PM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> *What is known:*
>> The event being held at Bemis Hall on Thursday PM is a privately
>> sponsored event, open to the public.
>> Bemis Hall is a town-owned facility and available for use by the public.
>> The right to use Bemis Hall for what may be political event is protected
>> by the First Amendment.
>> The *unanimous* decision, earlier this week, by the Supreme Court said
>> that Boston could not deny a request by an organization to fly a flag at
>> City Hall where other organizations had been given an OK.
>> An application must be submitted and, in some cases, a fee paid.
>> The applicant for this event is Lincoln resident Edie Risser.
>> We do not know if Mr. Risser has made arrangements for Public Safety to
>> be in attendance.
>> The event has been advertised through email invitations that have now
>> been widely circulated here.
>> The event has also been advertised regionally:
>> https://mafa-ma.com/community-calendar/
>> (Comment-the other events advertised on this site make clear political
>> leanings)
>> The main speaker has a national media presence and has been featured in a
>> number of articles.
>> https://minnesotareformer.com/2022/03/07/the-big-lie-goes-on-tour-in-minnesota/
>> The second speaker listed has less of a presence.
>> He recently ran for Mayor in Sheboygan, WI and lost.
>> An examination of this website will give a good idea of Tesauro’s beliefs
>> and political positions.
>> "Restore Liberty’s own Captain James Tesauro has a necessary
>> confrontation with Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu."
>> https://restore-liberty.org/2022/03/08/exclusive-wisconsin-father-and-former-army-captain-goes-off-on-senate-majority-leader-who-refuses-to-decertify-2020-election-despite-ample-evidence-to-do-so/
>> *Comments:*
>> While it may distress some to have an event in Lincoln, in a town-owned
>> building, where speakers might espouse beliefs diametrically opposed to
>> values we have endorsed as a community, these speakers have a right to
>> speak.
>> I would note that such individuals are seeking engagement, attention
>> (especially press) and even confrontation.
>> They have a history of being provocative and filming themselves and those
>> who engage with them.
>> This documentation then appears on social media.
>> I, for one, will not provide any fodder.
>> As hard as it will be for me not to be present and stand for what I
>> believe, I will stay home.
>> Others may chose a different path.
>> Namaste,
>> Sara Mattes
>> ------
>> Sara Mattes
>> --
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