I enjoyed last nights  meeting and feel encouraged to speak out against all
the negative emails I had been receiving.   I found the perspectives
refreshing on the issue of election integrity, a subject that is causing
controversy in our country.  I left with the takeaway that fair elections,
and the perception that the election process is fair, is something we
should all be concerned about.

The event was well-attended.   Trends in voting data and on how to improve
voting integrity in the future was presented intelligently.  Anyone who was
not completely polemicized, could also have attended and found it thought
provoking, and not scary.  I even got to meet the candidate for congress in
district 5 (thats our district), Caroline Colarusso .

I don’t know who attended from Lincoln since I don’t know many people here.
Some of the data was from Rhode Island examples, that might be why some RI
people attended. I’m glad my family gave me time from my other duties to
step out and attend.

Stephanie Smoot

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