I think Thoreau would agree with you! Very busy humans!

On Sunday, May 29, 2022, HEATHER MURRAY <themurrayc...@comcast.net> wrote:

> In this age of relentless noise, power tools, engines, radios, TV,
> traffic, can we bring back the sanctity of Sundays? The agreement to have
> one day out of the week for peaceful, quiet enjoyment of the outdoors in
> this special community we live in? To reorganize our schedules to make
> noise whenever we must, but protect as well as we can the tranquility and
> relaxation of a Sunday with family and friends, neighbors, or in solitude,
> enjoying the natural sounds around us? Surely we can manage, even with busy
> and demanding work schedules, to minimize noise one day a week - a special
> day to many of us. Special to those who may be retired or work at home, and
> for whom Sunday is just another day of the week like any other, and also
> for those who work all week and look forward to the weekend, and that one
> special day of tranquility. Can we keep each other in mind? Can we bring it
> back for each other, for our Lincoln neighbors, and for ourselves?
> *Heather E. Korostoff Murray* "Truth will not lose ground by being tried."
> ~ Isaac Penington, 1616-1679

*Stephanie Smoot*

857 368-9175  work
781 941-6842  personal cell
*617 595-5217 *work cell
126 Chestnut Circle
Lincoln, MA 01773
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