Good news! A  once “lost
Girl “, Aduei, is moving back
To Boston after going
To graduate school
At the London School of economics and
Marrying a man she meet there.
He is from the very
Eastern part of
Canada where her foster
Mom was raised (totally random). They have an 8 year old together. Aduei s 
died and now Aduei has her children- an 11 year Old and an 18 year
Old. The two youngest are going
To the Charles River School in Dover and the 18 year Old is doing
An academic PG year at Northfield .Mathew is a Consultant
And working from home
And Aduei is in her 3rd year of medical school.  They are looking
For a 3 bedroom anywhere Close to Dover….
A Very special person….. and incredible family-Please let Me
Know if you know anyone she
Could Talk To or a rental in Dover area.
Thank you-
Susan Winship
Sent from Susan Winship, LICSW
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