Hello, all -

The June 1 ConComm trails discussion over Zoom was robust and heartening; lots 
of people showed up and voiced their opinions on the proposed trails 

For those who couldn't make it, the ConComm decided to hold off on voting on 
the regs, and instead to continue the meeting on the evening of this Wednesday, 
June 22, also over Zoom. You can find the agenda for that meeting here:  
Further discussion and a vote on the trails issue is scheduled for 8:15 pm, and 
the Zoom link for the meeting is on the agenda, or here:

Zoom Meeting Link:
or Dial In: 1-646-876-9923
Meeting ID: 880 6324 7875 Passcode: 894034

Written comments on the proposed draft trails policy are a matter of public 
record; Michelle Grzenda suggested that anyone interested in reading those 
comments should call or email her or Stacy Carter for the link. (The 
Conservation Dept. prefers to get individual requests for the link rather than 
broadcasting it, because private emails are included with the comments). 

I have read the comments, and think they’re worth the read, as they give a wide 
range of opinions on trail use in Lincoln. (I noticed that some quite extensive 
comments came from residents of Lexington, Wayland, Weston, Concord, Belmont 
and Andover — there’s quite a lot of interest outside Lincoln in Lincoln’s 
trail policies.) And of course it’s always good to hear the voices and views of 
others on the ConComm Zoom, and to voice your own.


Deb Howe
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