A link to an interesting ppt on trails in Waltham.   The bit on trail
erosion and water bars is noteworthy. Also signage is pretty intense in
some places, lacking in others.

Returning to "Lincoln trails", I would like to see what are the
Conservation Commission's ideas for improving signage.   I have seen quite
a lot of signage in my local and overseas hikes. Lots of ways to do it. I
am interested in what are considered as issues (in detail, by location)
with current signage and how the proposed signage improvements are to
mitigate the issues (in detail, by location).

Despite the small black and yellow on-leash signage being pretty well
scattered in Lincoln around Mt. Misery, I find the placement of signs  very
erratic, very confusing and very user-unfriendly to dog walkers.   To the
point that enforcement is not fair to dog walkers.

Gordon Woodington
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