Going to Costco?  The Frito-Lay Classic Mix is on sale!  We always need
small bags of potato chips and usually can not provide them as we focus on
protein and healthy food for our clients, But, who doesn't need a potato
chip? The boxes of potato chips are $5.00 off making a box $14.99 instead
of $19.99.  These are terrific for snacks and school lunches. (There is a
five box limit for this box that holds 54 bags/box).

Also Nature Valley Oats 'N Honey Crunchy Granola Bars are $4.00 off.
(there is a 10 box limit). Not sure of this price.

These items store well and will be a big hit with our clients.  The sale at
Costco ends on August 28 but we would love to receive these by our next
pantry distribution on August 24 and 25.

However, if you are not at Costco and would like to donate to us, we
continue to need salad dressings, white tuna in water, relish, mayonnaise,
soy sauce, teriyaki sauce,  ketchup, gluten-free items, non-dairy shelf
milk, taco mix boxes, ramen noodles, V-8 juice and any non-refrigerated
juices, etc.   Boxed cookies are always appreciated, as well.  Even one
donation of any of these items is appreciated very much, so no donation is
too small (or too big!)

You can leave any item that you donate on the porch at 142 Lincoln Road,
(Rear).  There are blue bins for donations.  The bigger items, like the
Frito-Lay Boxes, can be left on the porch beside the bins. Volunteers bring
items into the pantry all day.

Thank you for considering the Lincoln Food Pantry for your kind donations.
Remember to check your labels to be sure the items you donate are in-date.

And remember...Monetary donations are always appreciated.  Checks can be
sent to  SVdP P.O. Box 324 Lincoln, MA 01773.

Thank you very much.  We are "neighbors helping neighbors"

Karen Boyce, Chair, Lincoln Food Pantry
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