I believe Emerald Ash Borer has actually been in Lincoln for a while.
On Conservation Trail walks pre-covid, Tom Gumbart would point out
dead ash trees that were lost to the borer.
Leslie Turek

On Wed, Aug 24, 2022 at 12:52 AM Sara Mattes <samat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Emerald Ash Borer Cripples Bedford Ash Trees
> The emerald ash borer has landed in Bedford and appears to be unpacking for a 
> lengthy stay. Larvae of this exotic beetle, which has its own webpage, 
> www.emeraldashborer.info, “feed on the trees’ tissue, cutting off the flow of 
> water and sugars from the roots and lower sections of the tree up to the 
> leaves, killing the tree from the top down,” said Nick Pouliot in an email. 
> Pouliot, operations manager of the DPW Grounds Division, recently was 
> appointed town tree warden. The resulting dead branches become hazardous, and 
> indeed several ash trees in the Town Hall parking area have been condemned 
> and will be removed before Bedford Day, said Public Works Director David 
> Manugian. “The trees tagged at the Town Hall area have been inspected and are 
> beyond treatment. They are considered a hazard to people or property,” he 
> wrote. Normally there’s a public hearing for town trees destined for removal, 
> but Pouliot noted, “Trees at risk to people or property do not require a 
> hearing.  We do post risk trees on the Grounds Division website 
> (https://www.bedfordma.gov/department-of-public-works/webforms/grounds-division).”
>  Dan Churella, chair of the Bedford Arbor Resource Committee (BARC), said the 
> beetle is on the agenda of Thursday’s virtual committee meeting.
> ------
> Sara Mattes
> --
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