
Most of those are toxic chemicals and the best way to deal with them is to 
bring them to the Hazardous Waste Disposal site in Lexington. The next day for 
this is on Sunday, September 18th. You’ll need to pre-register. Here is the 
information from our town 

From: Debra Daugherty < >
Subject: [LincolnTalk] insect, moss, and weed control products

I am cleaning out a house and finding lots of insect, moss, and weed
control products. I have no first hand knowledge of the products.

There are many cans of Raid products of various sorts. A bag of granular
ant control for the lawn by Terro. Bottles of liquid Sevin as well as a bag
of dry Sevin. There is a Carpenter Ant control product that is basically
permethrin (many of us use permethrin on clothes to prevent ticks). There
is a full bottle of Moss B Gone, which is a liquid potassium soap product.

If anyone would have some use for these products, please let me know.


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