Hello Lincolntalk, The Town of Lincoln is in the process of preparing a new five-year Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. Complete Streets is a state funded grant program to help municipalities improve their streets to accommodate users of all ages and abilities, whether driving, cycling, or walking. Each municipality is allowed up to $400,000 through a four year rolling period. We will be using an online platform called Wikimapping to get your feedback on where in Town you would like to see improvements for walking, cycling, driving, and public transit. Please follow this link to access the portal which will allow you to share your thoughts about transportation issues and opportunities: https://wikimapping.com/lincoln_completestreets.html The Wikimapping portal will be active through the end of October. There will also be a Public Forum on October 27th at 7:00pm to be held via zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87962264892?pwd=VFZWa0d4dE9BdFZPbE1BTytDNWRiUT09 Meeting ID: 879 6226 4892 Passcode: 783032 One tap mobile +16468769923,,87962264892#,,,,*783032# US (New York) +16469313860,,87962264892#,,,,*783032# US
An overview of Complete Streets can be found here: https://smartgrowthamerica.org/what-are-complete-streets/ MassDOT Complete Streets Funding Program Guidance can be found here: https://gis.massdot.state.ma.us/CompleteStreets/Content/Docs/Complete%20Streets%20Funding%20Program%20Guidance%20and%20Appendix.pdf Lincoln's Complete Streets Policy adopted in 2017 can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0h4k0mf1j1voqhi/Approved%20Complete%20Streets%20Policy%20-%20Lincoln.pdf?dl=0 Paula Vaughn-MacKenzie Director of Planning and Land Use Town of Lincoln 781-259-2610 vaug...@lincolntown.org<mailto:vaug...@lincolntown.org>
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