The Lincoln School Committee approved the members of the superintendent search 
screening committee at its meeting on Thursday, November 17. All Lincoln 
residents, parents of students attending either the Lincoln or Hanscom schools, 
and faculty and staff were invited to submit a letter of interest to serve on 
the screening committee.  Over 30 people submitted letters of interest, and 15 
were seated. Those who expressed interest in volunteering represent a wealth of 
experience and skill, making the selection process extremely difficult.  The 
School Committee is grateful to all applicants for their willingness to 
dedicate their time to the Lincoln Public Schools. 

The goal in choosing members for the Superintendent Screening Committee was to 
reflect as many different voices of our school and community as possible while 
maintaining a size that makes the work manageable and effective.  The outcomes 
from the community surveys and focus groups as outlined in the Superintendent 
Profile Report 
 prepared by the Collins Center also informed our decisions.  

The screening committee represents all levels of the district from Early 
Education through Middle School, as well as both the Lincoln and Hanscom 
campuses.  It includes representation from the teachers union and faculty, a 
principal, two central office administrators, including the district’s AIDE 
coordinator, and a Hanscom AFB delegate.  Those on the committee also include 8 
members with children in the schools; individuals with experience in racial 
equity, deeper learning and our district’s portrait of a learner, town 
government, school buildings, special education, english language learners, 
gifted students, military families, after-school programs, and other community 
and parent organizations including the Lincoln School Foundation and 
Lincoln-METCO Parent Board.  The committee includes many people who are 
self-professed listeners, who want to find ways to honor different people’s 
views concurrently as they search for our new educational leader.

The screening committee will review all applications for the position of 
superintendent, interview those who are most qualified, and recommend 3-4 
finalists to the School Committee.  In accordance with open meeting law, the 
screening committee will conduct its review of resumes and initial interviews 
in executive session to maintain the confidentiality of applicants.  Our 
consultant Dr. Brackett from the Collins Center at UMass Boston will facilitate 
the screening committee meetings.  The process will run from November 29th 
through early January, and we expect finalists to be named by January 12.  When 
the screening committee presents the names of finalists to the School 
Committee, the process will become public, and the School Committee will 
conduct interviews with each of the finalists in open session.  It is expected 
that the finalists will visit the schools during the week of January 23rd, 2023 
and the community will have the opportunity to meet each candidate and provide 
a feedback form to the School Committee in advance of the final interviews and 
hiring decision.

The following individuals were named to the Superintendent Screening Committee:

Shannon Daoust, ESL teacher, Hanscom Middle School

Robert Ford, Director of Educational Operations and Technology    

Lissette Gil-Sanchez, parent

Pamela Gillins, parent

Jennifer Glass, Lincoln Select Board

Marika Hamilton, METCO Director and AIDE Coordinator    

Erich Ledebuhr, Principal, Hanscom Middle School

John MacLachlan, School Committee

Jal Mehta, parent

Kim Rajdev, School Committee

Matt Reed, 4th grade teacher, Lincoln K-4 School

Catherine Smits, 8th grade Special Education teacher, Lincoln 5-8 School

Anne Wang, parent

Laurel Wironen, Hanscom delegate

James Young, parent

Thank you to these individuals for volunteering their time and energy to this 
important committee.   Thank you also to all those who applied, and/or 
participated in the focus groups and online survey.  It is the commitment of 
all of us and willingness to share our time that will help Lincoln find a 
strong leader to take us into the next generation of educational excellence for 
our district.

Susan Hands Taylor

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