For context, the Mass. Education Reform Act passed in 1993. This legislation 
eventually made Mass. schools competitive with other states with excellent to 
good public schools, such as NY. I am assuming that the survey results attached 
do not reflect that reform.

Since then, state curriculum guidelines and special education law has changed 
many times. While special education may seem irrelevant, on average, in MA, 17% 
of students get some level of individualized instruction.

> On Feb 7, 2023, at 11:33 AM, Stephen R. Low <> 
> wrote:
> Last week, I posted a message to LincolnTalk that discussed the notorious 
> (well, it was “notorious back then, and I have the press clippings to prove 
> it!) 1994 survey of Brooks School parents of that year’s eighth grade 
> graduates. Last week’s message contained several attachments, two of which 
> were summaries of the Report’s findings.
> The complete 53-page Survey Report was still in the Lincoln Public Library, 
> and yesterday I learned that it was scanned and posted on their website: 
> <>
> This morning, I spotted two documents on my hard drive that relate to our 
> efforts in 1994, and they are attached:
> An op ed regarding math education published in the Lincoln Journal (December 
> 15, 1994) 
> An article promoting the importance and value of parent surveys in the 
> March/April, 1995 edition of the Lincoln Review (the predecessor to the  
> Lincoln Chipmunk).
> And, when I opened a box full of press clippings and material from that 
> campaign, I spotted a poignant post card received from a then (and still) 
> prominent Lincoln resident related to algebra, which I’ve scanned and pasted 
> below the Lincoln Journal op ed. So sad.
> I had earlier written that school improvement is no longer my issue, but if 
> anyone wishes to contact me privately, feel free to do so.
> Regards,
> Steve Low
> <Op Ed re Math in the Lincoln Journal.pdf><Article re Surveys in Lincoln 
> Review.pdf>-- 
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