Many know Jim Cunningham for his tireless efforts and contributions to the town 
where he grew up in and returned to live for all his adult life.
The fact that we have cable TV and coverage, video and audio of almost all town 
events is Jim’s gift- a legacy of his hard work and tenacity.
He had a vision that we would have video, digital and audio records to educate 
current and leave for future generations.
He was tireless and he was everywhere, even when illness began to sap his 
boundless energy.

And then there was his infamous sweet tooth and love of kids.
Jim’s house became the town go-to spot for Lincoln’s trick-or-treaters.
He loved kids and he loved providing way more candy than anyone could imagine, 
so Halloween was a major holiday at Jim’s.

Jim’s generosity of time and talent did not stop at Lincoln’s (or Concord’s) 
His legacy lives on elsewhere.
Read this wonderful story, provided by Susan Frommer, and better appreciate his 
generosity and vision.

We thank you Jimmy -for all you did for us when you were alive, and for all you 
have left behind.

Sara Mattes

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