The Lincoln Public School K-8 District has created a 21-Day AIDE challenge
to deepen our community’s understanding of anti-racism, inclusion,
diversity and equity. *The district is inviting the entire Lincoln
community to partake in this 21-day challenge.*

To find out more about the challenge, go to the Challenge Website, This is a great opportunity to deepen your
organization’s equity work.While the challenge is meant for individual
work, the strength of the opportunity is in the entire Lincoln Community
engaging together. AIDE recommends that groups and organizations meet
several times during the 21-days challenge to consider, explore, and
connect to what they are learning.

*WIDE Can Support Your 21-Day Challenge Journey WIDE is available to help
your organization meet and process this work in the following ways:*

1) General facilitation
2) Targeted help connecting this work to your Equity Action Plan or other
goals you’ve developed
3) Answer questions and provide guidance for navigating issues that arise
within your organizational discussion during the 21-days
**If you are an individual and would like to join other individuals in
meeting, we will help group you with other individuals who are not aligned
with an organization for this purpose.**

Groups and individuals, please fill out this form
request assistance.

We hope you will join us in this work to move towards a more equitable

You can always find out more about WIDE at
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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