It could also lead to a long term solution to the area's significant
housing shortage (crisis, if you are so inclined.)

On Sun, Mar 19, 2023, 3:16 PM Sara Mattes <> wrote:

> What HCA does is create a YUGE financial incentive for developers to come
> in and develop undeveloped land, or redevelop “lightly developed”
>  neighborhoods.
> That can *lead to the displacement of current residents who rent*, rather
> than own.
> That  potential must not be ignored.
> Sara
> ------
> Sara Mattes
> On Mar 19, 2023, at 2:20 PM, Margaret Olson <> wrote:
> The HCA is concerned only with zoning. It does not address housing
> production. It does not require that anything actually get built and and it
> does not give any kind of credit for existing multi family housing.
> Lincoln had no zones that are 15 units per acre by right as the HCA
> requires. Oriole Landing’s built area is at that density but it was built
> under a special permit and it has additional undeveloped acreage behind the
> buildings
> Margaret
> On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 1:37 PM Debra Daugherty <>
> wrote:
>> I guess my question for anyone that would like to chime in is: Why
>> doesn't the bus station at Hanscom Field and the area surrounding that bus
>> station count in this? And can we count the already existing Battle Road
>> Farm housing, ansome/most of which is within 0.5 miles of the bus stop and
>> should meet the15 unit/acre requirement, toward the total requirement?
>> Thanks!
>> Debra
>> On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 8:09 AM <> wrote:
>>> Well said, Craig. Thank you for your clarity, analysis, and your
>>> confidence in our community… Lincoln can “protect current residents while
>>> allowing for limited development…”. Of course we can!
>>> I’m looking forward to your thoughtful leadership at the Planning Board.
>>> Joe Robbat
>>> Old Concord Road
>>> *From:* Lincoln <> *On Behalf Of *Craig
>>> Nicholson
>>> *Sent:* Friday, March 17, 2023 3:43 PM
>>> *To:* Chris McCarthy <>
>>> *Cc:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [LincolnTalk] My Candidacy for the Lincoln Planning Board
>>> Chris,
>>> I know that I wasn’t specifically asked to address your question but as
>>> a candidate for the Planning Board, I would like to build upon what Lynn
>>> and Mark have stated.
>>> First, if there ever any question about how the current administration
>>> would respond to the HCA, AG Campbell’s Advisory (
>>> has made it very clear that this legislation will be enforced with whatever
>>> tools are at the State’s disposal. Beyond the AGs Office there are other
>>> organizations such as the Lawyers for Civil Rights who have signaled that
>>> they will pursue their own course of options to ensure compliance (
>>> Furthermore, members of the State Legislature, including our own Senator
>>> Mike Barrett, are proposing legislation that would strip the HCA of some of
>>> its flexibility and mandate all land within the 0.5-mile radius of the
>>> commuter rail station be zoned for density of 15 units per acre (
>>> One way or
>>> another, it would seem (given the above) that at the state level, the
>>> political will is there to enforce compliance.
>>> As the MBTA Communities portion of the Housing Choice Act is currently
>>> written, Lincoln will be required to rezone 42 to 43 acres at a minimum
>>> gross density of 15 units/acre. 20% or 8 acres of those 42 are required to
>>> be located within a half mile radius of Lincoln Station. Per the HCA, this
>>> new zoning district cannot explicitly require commercial use within it,
>>> although the town can develop incentives that would encourage mixed-use
>>> development. The 34 acre balance can be located elsewhere in town beyond
>>> the 0.5-mile radius of the commuter rail station with a requirement for at
>>> least 21 acres of that land to be contiguous. The flexibility now allowed
>>> under the HCA gives Lincoln the opportunity to take advantage of the
>>> multi-family housing that it has thoughtfully developed in the past.
>>> The HCA Working Group (HCAWG) in Lincoln is currently evaluating options
>>> to comply with these requirements in a way that will strengthen our
>>> community. The work that the HCAWG is undertaking is being supported by a
>>> grant from Mass Housing Partnership to facilitate community engagement. I
>>> strongly support the work that the HCAWG is undertaking and look forward to
>>> engaging further with that process throughout the year ahead.
>>> I recognize that residents are concerned with how this new zoning will
>>> affect them and the town. I see this as an opportunity to balance the goals
>>> of the HCA with the goals of our community. I am confident that the HCAWG,
>>> working collaboratively with residents throughout Lincoln, will develop
>>> options that protect current residents while allowing for limited
>>> development that will help to strengthen our businesses and more broadly
>>> our community as a whole.
>>> I am happy to address any additional questions if you, or others in our
>>> community, have them and I appreciate the opportunity to provide more
>>> context and offer my thoughts.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Craig
>>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 9:23 PM Chris McCarthy <> wrote:
>>> Mark,
>>> Thank you for your response. I appreciate your honesty regarding the
>>> hope that enforcement of the HCA will be struck down by the courts. It is
>>> certainly a progressive piece of legislation. Though hopefully
>>> non-compliance wouldn't create lengthy and expensive battles for those
>>> involved.
>>> As to your last point, I don't believe anyone is trying to keep people
>>> out. Existing zoning including large lot sizes, exemptions like
>>> conservation land, wetlands etc. have already done that for us. As a fellow
>>> Lincoln Station area resident I also hope to find creative solutions rather
>>> than pulling the ladder up behind us.
>>> Thanks again for the response, and thank you to Lynn as well.
>>> Chris McCarthy
>>> 41 Greenridge Ln.
>>> On Thu, Mar 16, 2023 at 8:25 PM Mark Levinson <
>>>> wrote:
>>> Chris,
>>> That’s an interesting question.  I see Lynn DeLisi has already responded
>>> to it.  I agree with Lynn in general, and here’s my two cents:
>>> The recently passed Housing Choice Act (HCA) mandates zoning changes
>>> near MBTA stations to allow much higher density housing.  However the law
>>> states that the penalty for non-compliance is simply the loss of access to
>>> some state funds.  So compliance is really voluntary.  Our new Attorney
>>> General, Andrea Campbell, just announced that she will force compliance
>>> with the law.  However, I believe that such actions would exceed her
>>> authority, which is to enforce the law, not make it.  Unless the
>>> legislature changes the law, I would guess and hope that any enforcement
>>> attempt on her part would be shot down by the courts.
>>> That being said, I think we should do what we can to comply with the
>>> HCA.  It applies to the Lincoln Station neighborhood, which is where I
>>> live.  My understanding is that the state will allow some flexibility in
>>> how and where the new zoning could be implemented. I think we should try to
>>> find creative solutions that preserve the existing housing in that area,
>>> which is already some of the most diverse and affordable in town, while
>>> complying with the letter of the law.
>>> For example, it’s my understanding the that the RLF (owner of the Mall
>>> at Lincoln Station) may be considering options to redevelop the Mall to
>>> include mixed use space, including housing.   I think that kind of thing
>>> would be an ideal way to both provide increased traffic for businesses in
>>> the area, encourage use of the commuter rail, and support the RLF, as well
>>> as comply with the HCA.
>>> If I am elected, I will do my best to find such creative solutions,
>>> always in consultation with my neighbors near Lincoln Station, as well as
>>> the rest of the town.  I will only support approaches that a rational,
>>> real-world analysis shows will likely achieve their goals and benefit the
>>> town.
>>> I might also point out that the HCA’s one-size-fits-all approach to
>>> promoting high density housing ignores the fact that, here in Lincoln,
>>> about 35% of our housing units are already multi-family (not counting
>>> Hanscom).  So it’s not like we are NIMBY’s trying to keep out the masses.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Mark
>>> *From:* Chris McCarthy <>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 16, 2023 11:43 AM
>>> *To:*
>>> *Cc:*
>>> *Subject:* Re: [LincolnTalk] My Candidacy for the Lincoln Planning Board
>>> Mark,
>>> As a candidate for the Planning Board, would you kindly provide your
>>> position on the MBTA Communities Act? It has the potential to mandate
>>> zoning changes in town and the AG recently clarified
>>> <>
>>>  that
>>> compliance is not optional.
>>> Thank you,
>>> Chris McCarthy
>>> 41 Greenridge Ln.
>>> On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 8:02 AM Mark Levinson <
>>>> wrote:
>>> I am pleased to announce my candidacy for one of the two open seats on
>>> the Lincoln Planning Board.
>>> I have lived near Lincoln Station for almost 25 years and have been
>>> active in issues affecting our neighborhood and the town.  I have served as
>>> one of two Neighborhood Liaisons to the Planning Board and its South
>>> Lincoln Planning Advisory Committee (SLPAC).
>>> I have also been committed to environmental issues, and volunteered for
>>> many years for the Sudbury Valley Trustees, a very active and successful
>>> land conservation organization.
>>> I think that town planning is a key factor in allowing Lincoln to
>>> navigate current and future challenges, while preserving the character of
>>> the town and our wonderful quality of life.
>>> I believe I share the goals of many Lincolnites for our neighborhood and
>>> our town: viability of local businesses, diversity, encouraging use of
>>> public transportation, and generally doing what we can to fight climate
>>> change, while maintaining the rural character of our town.
>>> I will represent the views and opinions of all Lincoln residents, not
>>> only those of my neighborhood.  I will do my best to be open-minded, always
>>> considering the facts and likely outcomes of any course of action, knowing
>>> that actions to promote one goal may sometimes produce adverse consequences
>>> for others.
>>> I ask for your support on election day, Monday, March 27.
>>> Thank you and best regards,
>>> Mark Levinson
>>> 8 Ridge Road, Lincoln
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