I  support Anne’s view.  The survey assumes that a community center will be 
built, and will be built at the Hartwell campus.  The only place to offer a 
dissenting view was at the end, where it said something like “Briefly, what is 
the one thing you’d like us to know.”  The words ”briefly” and “one” are 
telling.  Hardly an invitation for extensive comments or their justification.  
In that section I wrote a couple of sentences – I hope that was brief enough.  
I asked the CCBC to consider other locations, such as the empty spaces at the 
Mall or the possibility of building new space there.  I agree that the CCBC 
needs to know how strongly the community supports the proposed center.  I think 
it would be helpful also to have a question about support of a center at 
another site or locating different activities and services at different sites.  
This could be a list of possible options which people could rate from 1 to 5.

June Matthews
Greenridge Lane

From: Lincoln <lincoln-boun...@lincolntalk.org> On Behalf Of Anne Warner
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 9:48 PM
To: Krystal Wood <ccbccommunicationscommit...@gmail.com>
Cc: Lincoln Talk <lincoln@lincolntalk.org>
Subject: Re: [LincolnTalk] CCBC Values Survey Reminder!

Krystal - there is pretty widespread concern about this survey. Nowhere on it 
is there a question about whether the person taking it wants the community 
center at all. Every question assumes it will be built. The o my place to 
register dissatisfaction is the blank section at the end for additional 
comments. Also, we have heard that the CCBC is presuming that if people do not 
answer the survey that they support the center. This is very far from being the 
truth. People who don’t fill out the survey may not do so because they are 
opposed or don’t care, but they certainly should not be assumed to support it.

The only way to correct this situation is for the CCBC to send out a second, 
separate survey that asks people to say, on a scale of 1-10, how much they 
support the center at all. Or, it could simply be a multiple choice: do you 
support the center or not or are you neutral? Without this additional data, the 
first survey must be disregarded.

- Sent from iPhone. Typed by thumb. Excuse misspellings!

On Apr 18, 2023, at 8:02 PM, Krystal Wood 

CCBC Values Survey<https://tinyurl.com/CCBCvaluessurvey>


Your responses on the Values Survey for the Community Center Building Committee 
will help the committee to understand the priorities of Lincoln residents as it 
develops plans for a community center.

If you haven’t already completed the survey, please do so by Friday, April 21.

You can find the survey here<https://tinyurl.com/CCBCvaluessurvey>.

Thank you.
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