*BIODIVERSITY IN BLOOM * *WITH ECO GARDENER **DIANA RICE* *SUNDAY, MAY 7th * *2-4 pm* *REGISTER HERE* <https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e45a5a82fa7fac16-biodiversity#/> *FAMILIES ARE WELCOME! * *CHILDCARE with the amazing SARAH BISHOP!!* *Promote biodiversity in your yard by using materials you have on hand. When you remove an invasive shrub, replace it with a native shrub that will thrive. Cardboard and mulch one small patch of invasives and encourage rowdy, less loved native plant "party crashers" into your designed native plant gardens to knit together a layered team of plants that keep invasives at bay. When you slow down, observe more, and take cues from nature, your yard will be more resilient, support ecodiversity, and shine as a stepping stone of hope. You'll create a buzzing, trilling oasis for songbirds, bees, foxes, snakes, butterflies and hummingbirds! *
*NO MOW MAY-- Starts any time! To learn more: * *https://www.lincolncommonground.com/nomowmay <https://www.lincolncommonground.com/nomowmay>* - *Pick up a lawn sign in Codman Farm's store* - *Sign up HERE <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfi1ctz9gxf0qEOYC51mLmAPlt2iXHL4ZZPntqP7MpL32Rh7Q/viewform> to be part of the movement and be added to our map* - *Questions: Robin Wilkerson, outsideinformat...@gmail.com <outsideinformat...@gmail.com>* **** Gardening for a Changing Climate*: These free events are brought to you by the collaboration of Lincoln Land Conservation Trust, Codman Community Farms & Lincoln Common Ground
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