Hello Lincoln,

Next week is Walk, Bike, Roll to School Week.

*Parents,* please help facilitate your children getting to school by
walking, biking, or rolling.  Really, by any means other than in a car is
great.  We will be handing out daily bracelets at the school bike racks.

*Drivers*, please be aware that there will be more vulnerable road users
out and about in both the morning and the afternoon.  Per MA law, please
give all walkers, bikers, and rollers 4 feet when passing.  For more, see
the attached one-sheet on what the new law means for you.

We are expecting *bike trains* to come up Trapelo Road and from 126/117.
If your child is interested in meeting up, please email me directly.

There will be *two extra bus stops along Lincoln road* to allow children
who take the bus to participate in WBRtS Week.  Buses coming in on Lincoln
Road from the north will stop at Old Town Hall to let children off and
buses coming from the south will stop at Pierce Hill Road.  Please allow
extra time if driving along this route.

Finally, a big thanks to everyone who signed up to volunteer as crossing
guards, to hand out bracelets, and to lead bike trains!

John Mendelson, on behalf of BPAC

Attachment: MA_Vulnerable_Road_Users_Laws_-_Public_One-Pager_-_0323.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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