I am confused.

I thought the Spc.Town meeting vote charged the CCBC to develop options that 
were 50% and 75% of the price tag of $25 million, and to look at other sites 
for program locations.

“...to assist the CommunityCenter Building Committee in developing a range of 
Community Center design choices and budgets, including options not to exceed 
75%, and 50% pf the current project estimated cost of $25 million for the 
Hartwell Complex supplemented or not with existing available town space with 
the intention of presenting said choices at a fall, 2023 Special Town Meeting 
for a vote on a preferred option;….”

Why is the CCBC now presenting “…3 required options (up to 100%, up to 75%, up 
to 50%….”?  (See below).

Where is the “requirement” of a 100% option?

How does this comport with the vote of a (packed) meeting?
How does this reflect the will of the town?

Perhpas I have missed something here.

See you tomorrow night.


Sara Mattes

> On Jun 11, 2023, at 6:59 PM, Community Center Building Committee 
> <ccbccommunicationscommit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 2023
> Hello Neighbor, 
> Thank you for joining our Community Center Building Project mailing list at 
> www.LincolnCommunityCenter.com 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=739a383c14&e=777af2bf71>.
>   A community center - housing the Council on Aging, Human Services, Parks 
> and Recreation, and space for a variety of civic organizations, has the 
> potential to impact the lives of all residents.  We want to make it easy for 
> you to stay informed of our work. 
> We provide routine updates of our day-to-day tasks, which inform the 
> decisions made at our bi-weekly public meetings.
> Options are coming together!  The image above is just one of three potential 
> site plans... 
> Program Analysis & Development
> At our public meeting this past Wednesday, June 7, the CCBC voted to approve 
> the updated program need analysis 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=cc58934be6&e=777af2bf71>
>  that was presented on May 31, for preliminary cost modeling.  We expect to 
> see early project costs at our public forum this coming Tuesday. (Details 
> below) 
> To date, ICON has developed a "needs-based" program that represents a 10,000 
> sqft reduction from the 2018 program, which was "needs & wants-based."  With 
> last week’s vote, they are now cost modeling this program to determine which 
> of the 3 required options (up to 100%, up to 75%, up to 50%) this program 
> represents, and will also propose strategies to fulfill the remaining two 
> options.  CCBC's goal is to approve these strategies - along with associated 
> site plans 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=ddf67f9388&e=777af2bf71>
>  - in the coming weeks, so ICON can spend the summer months designing 
> concepts for public review next September.
> The CCBC is also working to review program and square footage statistics of 
> neighboring community facilities to see how our work compares.  This will 
> take some time, as these facilities often differ in terms of services, 
> location, and funding, but this will ultimately assist us in in finding the 
> "right-size" space to meet our program needs.  
> Site Planning
> Based on feedback from our May 31 public meeting, we've updated our site 
> plans 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=ad97ac9530&e=777af2bf71>and
>  will be using these plans to present potential building design, site 
> concepts and costs at our June 13 public forum. (Details below) 
> Community Engagement
> We have 2 public sessions this week (details below)!  These sessions will 
> focus on cost modeling our building designs and site concepts so ICON can 
> spend the summer months furthering these concepts for public feedback next 
> fall.  Our fall meeting/forum schedule is not set yet, other than two 
> important dates:  State of the Town/Community Charrette on Saturday, 
> September 30, 2023, and Special Town Meeting on Saturday, December 2.  All 
> our upcoming June public meetings are listed below. 
> Satellite Programming
> Part of our work will involve leveraging existing available town spaces.  
> Both PRD and COA have been using these spaces for years, and our 
> Decentralized Programming Inventory 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=fa65881ec9&e=777af2bf71>
>  is available on the CCBC website.  As we look to develop lower cost options, 
> we will be exploring opportunities to lean more heavily on these satellite 
> locations to manage the building program load.   
> Tue June 13th - Public Forum, 7:00pm in the Hartwell Multi-Purpose Room or 
> over Zoom 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=6cdb5addfa&e=777af2bf71>
>  to present cost models for draft building designs and site plans.  ICON will 
> then spend the summer developing these designs further, so they'll be ready 
> for the next round of public review in the Fall. 
> Wed June 14th - Public Meeting, 7:00pm in the Town Hall Donaldson Room or 
> over Zoom 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=2a9a97c1d2&e=777af2bf71>
>  to synthesize feedback with ICON and discuss any additional work needed 
> before the summer. 
> Wed June 28 - Public Meeting (TBD), if necessary!
> Can be found on our website at www.LincolnCommunityCenter.com. 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=60dd722f25&e=777af2bf71>
>    You can sign up for our notifications there as well!
> A community center in Lincoln has been studied by 4 previous committees and 4 
> different consulting / architecture firms over the past 10+ years.  They have 
> all built off of the public consensus established by the prior committees' 
> work.  That process has led us to our current charge to develop a range of 
> community center design choices and budgets, including options not to exceed 
> 50% and 75% of the estimated $25M design costs of a new building on the 
> Hartwell Campus.     
> We have partnered with ICON Architecture 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=5962bd61ba&e=777af2bf71>
>  to help us bring the best possible project options to the Lincoln community 
> in the fall of 2023.  If we find consensus, we will request construction 
> funds at Town Meeting 2024. 
> We hold biweekly public meetings to review the work to date, and make 
> decisions to move forward.  The public are always invited to join us, and 
> public comments are always welcome.  In additional, we hold community forums, 
> that are larger events expressly designed to solicit community feedback on 
> specific aspects of the project
> We always welcome questions at our public meetings and forums, or feel free 
> to contact the Town Administrator's Office at 781-259-2601.
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=0d1f2754d2&e=777af2bf71>
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=e94f1f0531&e=777af2bf71>
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=7ae82a9c87&e=777af2bf71>
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=d16a8bbb57&e=777af2bf71>
> Copyright © 2023 Town of Lincoln, All rights reserved. 
> You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website. 
> Our mailing address is: 
> Town of Lincoln
> 16 Lincoln Road
> Lincoln, MA 01773
> Add us to your address book 
> <https://lincolntown.us10.list-manage.com/vcard?u=36365740ad541bc83052fa70a&id=665f1c8a69>
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> You can update your preferences 
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