Hear, hear! I recently sent a question about this very subject to Carol
Stocker, who writes the "Ask the Gardener" column for the *Boston Globe*,
here's what she had to say:

Question: "Some of my neighbors are removing all the leaves in the woods
and I’m wondering if this is bad for the plants and soil."

Answer: "Removing fallen leaves from the forest floor is bizarre, like
giving your little daughter a buzz cut because you think her hair looks
messy and you want to make her look neater. Just like our hair protects our
skulls, fallen leaves protect and feed the tree roots on the forest floor.
If you send fallen leaves to a landfill, then you have to fertilize the
bereft trees because you removed their food. Leave the leaves and let
Nature do the recycling. The biggest trend in gardening is for people to
see their gardens as part of a larger ecosystem through incorporating
native and pollinator plants. "Leave the leaves" is part of this movement."

Chris Thompson

On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 8:01 AM Emily Haslett <emhasl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *Greetings Lincoln Talk Earth Stewards! *
> As our minds turn to fall and the leaves begin to gather on the ground,
> LEAVE THEM THERE! To find out why, sign up below for
> *A Zoom Introduction & Conversation on *
> *Soil & Climate Benefits *
> *THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21st at 8:00pm*
> https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModeGhpzktHd10GJPZ2UdTo-r3NmKOUmRD
> This fall, it couldn't be easier to support pollinators, provide
> overwinter shelter for amphibians, nurture the soil, improve water
> retention, and drawdown carbon. Just leave the leaves!
> Join us on the first day of fall for a virtual talk by Lincoln soil
> microbial ecologist *Dr.Rachel Neurath* to learn about the benefits of 
> *leaving
> the leaves*.
> And save the date for the Lincoln Garden Club's public meeting on
> November 7th. Kathy Connolly will give a presentation entitled: "*Leave
> the Leaves, Save the Stems*".
> Organized by Lincoln Common Ground and the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust
> in collaboration with the Lincoln Garden Club and Codman Community Farms.
> --
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Christina Thompson
*Sea People: The Puzzle of Polynesia*
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