If you have other chickens, I would isolate the sick chickens both to protect 
them from being picked on by the healthy chickens and from the healthy ones 
from getting sick.
 Dr. Giles Siddons DVM at Lexington Vet Associates works with chickens. 
511 Waltham Street
Lexington, MA 02421
tel: 781-862-1127
fax: 781-862-9012

Good luck!
Robin Rawls
On Sun, Sep 24, 2023 at 9:36 AM Meghan Mahon <megmaho...@gmail.com> wrote:

We just recently got four silky chickens (now 4 weeks old) from a farm. One of 
the chick’s legs looks to have gotten hurt and is walking with a limp. I have 
called a few vets but none thus far deal with “exotic” animals. 
Any thoughts/ suggestions on best ways to get help would be greatly appreciated!

Meghan Sullivan
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