
About three weeks ago two giant poodles ran up to me on the trail behind/
around Codman Farm. They were big dogs, and ran several hundred yards from
the owner to get to me, where they both stopped inches from me and checked
me out. It was unnerving. The owner was shouting, but the dogs did not
follow the owner's voice commands.

I am a dog owner myself, and this weekend a similar thing happened in
another part of lincoln on conservation land, where an unleashed dog ran
several yards from the owner to approach me.

I looked up the town rules, and thought I might share them here. This is
cut and pasted directly from the site. Thanks to all the responsible dog
owners out there - there are many of you. And there are a few who maybe
haven't had a good look at the rules and need a little nudge!

   - *Dog Walking **Rules *
      - *Dogs must be leashed or under effective voice control at all times*.
      “Voice Control” is defined as the dog being always within the
owner’s sight
      and hearing & trained to come immediately when called.
      - *Dogs must be leashed (or held by the collar) when approaching
      other trail users* unless the other user expressly gives permission
      to leave the dog off leash. Some people are not comfortable around dogs.
      - *A maximum of 3 leashed dogs are allowed per person*. Visitors with
      2 or fewer dogs may unleash their dogs, except where leashes are
      - Dog owners must always carry a leash for each dog (8-foot maximum).
      - Dogs are not permitted to chase, hunt, or harass people, wildlife,
      other dogs, horses, or livestock.
      - All dog waste must be picked up and removed from the property.
      - *Dogs must be leashed*:
         - In parking areas and within 100 feet of trailheads.
         - At Flints Pond Conservation Area in order to protect Lincoln’s
         water supply.
         - In agricultural fields which are used for food production, and
         in pastures while livestock are on those fields.
         - Along certain trails at Mt. Misery, and in ecologically
         sensitive areas and hayfields, as posted.
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