I think that evidence comes from other parts of the country but not so much
around here.  I grew up in Atlanta and if a housing development like this
was planned near your house, you put your house on the market as soon as
possible and try to sneak out. I think our property values will be fine
assuming the complexes stay neat and tidy (not guaranteed).

This issue is quality of life - traffic.  If we were truly doing something
altruistic, it would be better but this is just adding a bunch of wealthy
condo owners and apartment dwellers.

@Bryce - would you feel the same way if this proposal was on Trapelo Rd?



On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:30 AM Bryce Wells via Lincoln <
lincoln@lincolntalk.org> wrote:

> *"and loss of property values that is sure to come out of having massive
> apartment complexes without enough parking be your neighbor."*
> This is the biggest red herring in any and all discussions about
> development... and should never be mentioned as it's rarely true.  Please
> provide evidence of this occurring... Sudbury, Concord, or Weston which
> have all had recent "mid to large" developments.
> ‪On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 10:20 AM ‫ٍSarah Postlethwait‬‎ <sa...@bayhas.com>
> wrote:‬
>> The issue isn’t that we don’t want progress. The issue is that Only 20%
>> of the 42 acres needs to be near Lincoln Station to comply with the HCA.
>> However *100%+ of the 42 acres minimum is in south Lincoln in all 3 of
>> the proposed options* (64 acres in south Lincoln in options A and B and
>> 70.2 acres in option C)
>> Perhaps some of the 20,000 sq/ft lots in other parts of town could bear
>> some of the burden of this rezoning and traffic- and loss of property
>> values that is sure to come out of having massive apartment complexes
>> without enough parking be your neighbor.
>> If the HCAWG proposed options that didn’t far exceed the minimums that
>> the HCA has asked for (which already were overburdensome for our town) and
>> concentrated it all within half a mile at Lincoln Station- then there
>> likely wouldn’t be this much push back.
>> But the HCAWG has its own agenda of development near the mall and has
>> avoided putting any substantial rezoning anywhere else in Lincoln, and has
>> tacked on a 125 unit mixed use development at the mall just for fun.
>> Not to mention that 90% of these excessive units being proposed will be
>> rented and sold at Market rate. *Any developer wanting to build in
>> Lincoln should be required to have a minimum of 25% affordable units, just
>> as we required for Oriole landing*. Creating overpriced inventory that
>> most people won’t be able to afford does not solve the housing crisis.
>> If the town really wants to comply with the HCA, there needs to be
>> another option that has the minimal required rezoning in South Lincoln,
>> 70-80% rezoning spread throughout the rest of Lincoln, and any additional
>> rezoning beyond what is required needs to go through the traditional town
>> meeting process, and needs to have a high affordable housing requirement
>> for any developer that wants to build.
>> Sarah Postlethwait
>> Lewis Street
>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:55 AM John Mendelson <johntmendel...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Save it from what?  Progress?  Working to help solve the regional
>>> challenges of housing, traffic, environment?  Providing housing
>>> alternatives?
>>> Or should we just continue to approve 20,000 sq/ft single family houses
>>> on big lots and put our heads in the sand?
>>> Lincoln is not an island despite what many seem to wish it could be.
>>> John
>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:47 AM Robert Ahlert <robahl...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> 1000% agree with Susanna. Well said.  I have young children and want
>>>> them to enjoy Lincoln as it is now, not as another Concord or Bedford or
>>>> Lexington.
>>>> Lincoln is precious, save it!
>>>> Rob
>>>> On Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 9:41 AM Susanna Szeto <szeto...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> A developer’s only objective is to make money!  It is not a charitable
>>>>> organization who cares about providing more affordable housing for people!
>>>>> Please find one example that proves the contrary!  Regarding 😊 ng the
>>>>> train to work because they live walking distance to the train station!
>>>>> When we moved to Lincoln in 1977, my husband was working at Mass General
>>>>> Hospital, an ideal situation for him to take the train to work.  He did it
>>>>> at the beginning and gave up the idea because for one thing, it ends up
>>>>> more costly and the train does not run often enough to give the 
>>>>> flexibility
>>>>> he needs!
>>>>> Yes, we have enjoyed decades of living in Lincoln, and we want the
>>>>> future generation of Lincolnites to enjoy what we have loved about 
>>>>> Lincoln,
>>>>> the open space, the ‘low key’ nature of our town center even though
>>>>> occasionally we complained we are far from everything!  We care greatly
>>>>> about what will happen to Lincoln even though we both at the later stage 
>>>>> of
>>>>> our lives!  So, for the relatively newcomers to town, there are older
>>>>> residents in town who do care what is going to happen to Lincoln even
>>>>> though it may take decades for the developers  to get their hands on
>>>>> Lincoln!  We have resisted them so far by using our tax dollars to buy up
>>>>> lands for conservation!  There is no other town like Lincoln that is so
>>>>> close to Boston!  Please do not let the developers come in to spoil it for
>>>>> us!
>>>>> On Oct 9, 2023, at 11:29 PM, ٍSarah Postlethwait <sa...@bayhas.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> All very well voiced points!
>>>>> But make no mistake- do not be fooled by the voices saying "potential
>>>>> development will take decades".
>>>>> If option C of this rezoning gets passed, development will begin
>>>>> immediately.
>>>>> *The HCAWG and the RLF are directly working with Civico, the developer
>>>>> of Oriole Landing*. Civico isn’t working with the town because it
>>>>> likes us and is a trusted town partner… it wants to make money.
>>>>> Civico has threatened the town by saying it will not go through the
>>>>> town meeting process again after it did so with Oriole Landing. The
>>>>> pro-building HCAWG (which includes the Executive Director of the RLF as a
>>>>> member) wants Civico to develop.
>>>>> So in turn, the HCAWG and Planning board added mixed Use Zoning at
>>>>> Lincoln Center to this proposal so it wouldn’t be necessary for them to go
>>>>> through the traditional town meeting process.
>>>>> This gives Civico the chance to push a high cost, high density housing
>>>>> complex (125 units), with only 10% affordable housing (we required 15% 
>>>>> with
>>>>> Oriole landing). And it’s more likely to be passed because *only a
>>>>> simple majority is needed under the HCA instead of the usual 2/3 majority
>>>>> at town meeting*; not to mention, the HCAWG is making it seem like a
>>>>> looming lawsuit and loss of grants are eminent to encourage residents to
>>>>> pass the rezoning.
>>>>> Let me emphasize again- if Civico develops this Subdistrict, it will
>>>>> be 112 units at market rate and 13 units of affordable housing. *Market
>>>>> rate for Oriole Landing is currently $4,000 to $8,500 without utilities,*
>>>>> according to their listing on Apartments.com.
>>>>> That is not affordable housing for anyone who wants to downsize or
>>>>> work in Lincoln, as many seem to be under the impression this development
>>>>> would help.
>>>>> A slide from the presentation:
>>>>> <69012668-7F39-478C-B8C4-134AB43AB1A5.jpeg>
>>>>> <75467D4B-940C-4471-880D-5A25ED122A3D.jpeg>
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 9:15 PM William Broughton <
>>>>> wbroughto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you Bob and Rob, among many others, for the helpful insights.
>>>>>> I have a number of concerns with the currently proposed HCA options.
>>>>>> The impacts to affordable housing in town (both absolute number and
>>>>>> percentage of total), traffic, and finances (taxes) are just a few.
>>>>>> As another resident mentioned in a separate thread, the potential for
>>>>>> areas like Lincoln Woods, with a higher % of affordable housing units, to
>>>>>> one day be redeveloped and, despite an increase in total number of 
>>>>>> housing
>>>>>> units, result in a net decrease in the town's number of affordable units,
>>>>>> is concerning. If we can only mandate that 10% of new housing units (in 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> HCA zone) must be affordable, and the 40b threshold for the town is also
>>>>>> 10%, doesn't that imply that the town's overall ratio would get closer 
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> closer to being under the threshold with each new development that is
>>>>>> built? What will that result in - yet more development?
>>>>>> Further, the argument that the entire district needs to be near
>>>>>> the commuter rail station does not make sense to me. The commuter rail 
>>>>>> is,
>>>>>> at its best, inconvenient and expensive, and at its worst it is both of
>>>>>> those things, plus unreliable. The traffic study that was shared, in my
>>>>>> opinion, grossly understates the potential impact of the additional
>>>>>> vehicles resulting from the additional development. The reality is that
>>>>>> most people, unless they live in perhaps Boston/Cambridge/Somerville, use
>>>>>> cars for much of their daily lives.
>>>>>> It also pains me to hear, from multiple individuals, that the
>>>>>> "potential development will take decades". I'm a relatively new and
>>>>>> young homeowner in Lincoln. I intend to be here in the future "decades"
>>>>>> referenced, and I hope to get to enjoy Lincoln with my children in much 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> same way so many current residents have over the past several decades.
>>>>>> These choices we make today will have big impacts, and we can also be 
>>>>>> sure
>>>>>> that this will not be the last effort by the Commonwealth to force
>>>>>> additional development in the decades to come.
>>>>>> I look forward to the continued lively debate among residents and the
>>>>>> various working groups, but it feels like there is much more that needs 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> be explored before we can have a "final" proposal.
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Will Broughton
>>>>>> Round Hill Rd
>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 2:32 PM Robert Ahlert <robahl...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thank goodness you are paying attention Bob!
>>>>>>> The HCA feels like a juggernaut and options were clearly favored
>>>>>>> towards “all near Lincoln station”.  I have a long series of unanswered
>>>>>>> questions. I hope to get answers and publish them all on a blog/website
>>>>>>> that everyone can read.
>>>>>>> I’ll need help to put it together and get answers.
>>>>>>> If anyone is even slightly concerned about what is happening with
>>>>>>> the HCA in Lincoln, please email me privately or text me on 
>>>>>>> 781.738.1069.
>>>>>>> Rob A
>>>>>>> On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 1:30 PM Robert Domnitz <bobdom...@hotmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> As a recently-retired member of the Planning Board and Housing
>>>>>>>> Choice Act Working Group, I am concerned that the three options 
>>>>>>>> presented
>>>>>>>> last Saturday at the SOTT - and the plan to choose just one of those
>>>>>>>> options at a multi-board meeting on October 10th - will restrict Town
>>>>>>>> Meeting to merely rubber-stamping the HCAWG's decision. And the HCAWG's
>>>>>>>> decision will reflect its embedded priorities that may differ from what
>>>>>>>> town meeting would choose if we are given more options. I therefore 
>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>> it is crucial for the HCAWG to submit several options to the state for
>>>>>>>> advisory opinions prior to Town Meeting. All options should be 
>>>>>>>> presented to
>>>>>>>> Town Meeting for debate and vote.
>>>>>>>> I'd like to expand on some of the points made - and some of the
>>>>>>>> points omitted - by the presenters at last Saturday's SOTT meeting.
>>>>>>>> 1. *About 35% of the town's residences are currently multi-family*
>>>>>>>> (not including Hanscom Field, see list below). Most folks are surprised
>>>>>>>> when they hear this. Lincoln has done an outstanding job allowing
>>>>>>>> multi-family living while maintaining our rural character. With full
>>>>>>>> build-out under the HCA, multi-family housing will approach 50% of
>>>>>>>> the town's inventory.
>>>>>>>> 2. *State guidelines for the HCA provide a mechanism for towns to *
>>>>>>>> *get** credit for existing multifamily housing.* Towns are free to
>>>>>>>> locate HCA-compliant subdistricts in areas that currently have high
>>>>>>>> residential density. These subdistricts will help us meet our "quota," 
>>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>>> though it is very unlikely these areas will be redeveloped.
>>>>>>>> 3. *An evaluation of the various options requires consideration of
>>>>>>>> the likelihood that redevelopment will **actually **occur.*
>>>>>>>> Existing condo developments would require consent of the owners to
>>>>>>>> redevelop, with the particular procedures laid out in the condominiums'
>>>>>>>> organizational documents. If condo owners don't want redevelopment
>>>>>>>> to happen, it won't happen. Existing apartment buildings (e.g.,
>>>>>>>> Oriole Landing) owned by a single entity would only require a decision 
>>>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>> that entity and would depend on their analysis of whether an increase 
>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> density would justify the cost of redevelopment. On the other hand,
>>>>>>>> rezoning single family homes on Conant Road as shown in options A,B, 
>>>>>>>> and C
>>>>>>>> from the HCAWG would likely result in rapid redevelopment, as
>>>>>>>> owners on Conant Road take advantage of the jump in value that
>>>>>>>> would result from the increase in development potential.
>>>>>>>> 4. *State guidelines require that only 20% of the HCA-compliant
>>>>>>>> district be located in the vicinity of the commuter rail station*.
>>>>>>>> The other 80% can be anywhere in town. However, the HCAWG eliminated
>>>>>>>> consideration of the Farrar Pond and Lincoln Ridge condos as "too far 
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> any amenities and public transit." See link below to p. 17 of SOTT 
>>>>>>>> slide
>>>>>>>> deck. This area could be used as part of our plan for compliance; the
>>>>>>>> HCAWG's decision to eliminate consideration of this area reflects their
>>>>>>>> prioritization of access to public transit and goes beyond what the 
>>>>>>>> state
>>>>>>>> requires. Similarly, the Commons/Oriole Landing area was removed from
>>>>>>>> consideration by the HCAWG because it is "not walkable to any public
>>>>>>>> transit or public amenities." See p. 20 of SOTT slide deck. Instead, 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> HCAWG has proposed placing 100% of the district in Lincoln Station 
>>>>>>>> (option
>>>>>>>> C) or adding to option C additional subdistricts in North Lincoln so 
>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> the total development potential greatly exceeds what is necessary for
>>>>>>>> compliance.
>>>>>>>> 5. *The HCAWG should consider other ways of splitting the HCA
>>>>>>>> district. *The current option C fully complies with the HCA by
>>>>>>>> allowing development only within the Lincoln Station area. If 
>>>>>>>> compliance
>>>>>>>> with state law is our objective, options A and B are less appealing 
>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>> they needlessly add to option C more development potential elsewhere in
>>>>>>>> town. Among the three options, C is the obvious choice for most 
>>>>>>>> residents
>>>>>>>> because it minimally complies with the HCA. But the Town deserves a 
>>>>>>>> chance
>>>>>>>> to vote on other options that do not exceed the HCA's requirements. 
>>>>>>>> Three
>>>>>>>> options that would make sense are:
>>>>>>>> - Place the entire district at Lincoln Station (current option C)
>>>>>>>> - Place most of the district at Lincoln Station and some of the
>>>>>>>> district elsewhere.
>>>>>>>> - Place some of the district at Lincoln Station and most of the
>>>>>>>> district elsewhere.
>>>>>>>> For all options, the details should be worked out for minimal
>>>>>>>> compliance with the HCA, giving Lincoln residents maximum control over
>>>>>>>> future land use decisions. It's worth noting that the HCA does allow, 
>>>>>>>> on a
>>>>>>>> discretionary basis, subdistrict boundaries that do not match parcel
>>>>>>>> boundaries. This may provide the Town with additional flexibility it 
>>>>>>>> needs
>>>>>>>> to comply with, but not exceed, the HCA's requirements.
>>>>>>>> Residents deserve a meaningful, democratic chance to choose the
>>>>>>>> level of development they want in the Lincoln Station area. Due to the
>>>>>>>> limited set of options that were presented, I don't think the survey 
>>>>>>>> taken
>>>>>>>> at the SOTT is a good indicator of the will of the town. Surprisingly, 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> HCAWG did not propose an option where some development allowed 
>>>>>>>> elsewhere in
>>>>>>>> Town is used to reduce the development allowed at Lincoln Station. All
>>>>>>>> three of their options allow more than 400 units of additional 
>>>>>>>> development
>>>>>>>> in the Lincoln Station area. That is an extreme increase compared to 
>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>> currently exists in the area. See p. 40 of SOTT slide deck.
>>>>>>>> My goal in writing this post is to encourage the HCAWG to give our
>>>>>>>> Town Meeting the respect and deference to which it is entitled. This 
>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>> hugely important matter for the Town and we can move forward together 
>>>>>>>> only
>>>>>>>> if Town Meeting has a meaningful role as the decisionmaker. Please 
>>>>>>>> attend
>>>>>>>> the October 10th multi-board meeting to share your thoughts.
>>>>>>>> Best regards to all,
>>>>>>>> Bob Domnitz
>>>>>>>> SOTT slide deck: Follow link found in
>>>>>>>> https://www.lincolntown.org/1327/Housing-Choice-Act-Working-Group
>>>>>>>> Existing multifamily housing in Lincoln (not including Hanscom
>>>>>>>> housing):
>>>>>>>> The Commons
>>>>>>>> Oriole Landing
>>>>>>>> Battle Road Farms
>>>>>>>> Minuteman Commons
>>>>>>>> Lincoln Woods
>>>>>>>> Greenridge Condos
>>>>>>>> "Flying Nun" apartments
>>>>>>>> Ridge Road apartments
>>>>>>>> Ridge Road Condos
>>>>>>>> Todd Pond Condos
>>>>>>>> Farrar Pond Condos
>>>>>>>> Lincoln Ridge Condos
>>>>>>>> Ryan Estate
>>>>>>>> Accessory Apartments in Single Family Homes
>>>>>>>> Miscellaneous (Scattered sites under Housing Comm.)
>>>>>>>> --
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>>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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>>>> --
>>>> *Robert Ahlert* | *781.738.1069* | robahl...@gmail.com
>>>> --
>>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
>>>> To post, send mail to Lincoln@lincolntalk.org.
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>>> The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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*Robert Ahlert* | *781.738.1069* | robahl...@gmail.com
The LincolnTalk mailing list.
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