Airing grievances about the process and the unfairness of the law itself. I
do not think as a good strategy.

On Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 2:50 PM Susanna Szeto <> wrote:

> Follow the money and maybe we can find the reason!
> On Oct 11, 2023, at 9:20 PM, Cathy O'Brien <>
> wrote:
> This sounds like it is being “fast tracked”
> Very similar to “oriole landing” approval of their development I think it
> Was approved in 9 months- fastest development approval in Lincoln
> Common denominator- CIVICO
> In full disclosure I am the largest abutter to oriole landing
> But I truly believe there is shenanigans with some sort of secret
> relationship with in Lincoln
> NO development moves this fast in Lincoln
> Why is ONE developer been the SOLE company to be the finalist in the 2
> largest housing increase in a small amount of time for such a small town…
> And if I recall… CIVICO was involved in building the school….
> There is something not right about this….
> Cathy obrien
> 3 Mary’s way
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 6:29 PM Karla Gravis <>
> wrote:
>> I encourage all those interested who were not able to attend to watch the
>> Q&A portion of the HCA meeting last night once it is uploaded.
>>    - The committee spent a lot of time reviewing what has been
>>    accomplished to date and discussing amongst themselves but little time was
>>    dedicated to public debate. Few of the public questions were actually
>>    answered by the committee, at times the mic was just passed on to the next
>>    question without any response. This is similar to previous meetings, where
>>    there is little room for resident debate. In my opinion, the outreach has
>>    been one-directional. The working group is composed only of people who sit
>>    on other boards, are town employees, or work for the RLF. There is no
>>    opportunity for a regular resident or member-at-large to be part of the
>>    decision-making. There are outstanding resident questions that the
>>    committee hasn’t answered.
>>    - The town legal counsel was present during the meeting. When asked
>>    why the Committee was contradicting his counsel as stated on public 
>> record,
>>    he indicated that he had changed his mind on the enforceability of
>>    compliance. He did not provide any facts to explain this reversal. He said
>>    that his new stance had come from a collaborative effort with his
>>    partners. This was very surprising to hear, as this very same law firm is
>>    defending the town of Holden, which has decided not to comply with the 
>> HCA.
>>    Our lawyer's partners at his firm, KP Law, wrote a motion to dismiss the
>>    action against Holden. We should not be rushing to comply just because
>>    “non-compliance is a risk” given our own lawyer's firm seems to be giving
>>    other towns the opposite message to what they are telling us. There are
>>    other towns like Weston which seem to be comfortable taking a wait-and-see
>>    approach.
>>    - The committee repeated its claim that we will lose millions in
>>    grant money by not complying. However, we have never received any money
>>    from the grants named in the actual HCA legislation. When this was brought
>>    up, the committee did not respond. The committee claims we should comply
>>    because we could use one of the grant programs to update the Village 
>> Center
>>    septic system to benefit a private developer. I struggle to understand why
>>    the town would need to fund this private enterprise. Wouldn’t we be 
>> setting
>>    a terrible precedent?
>>    - The committee continues to quote a pandemic-era traffic study and a
>>    flawed financial analysis to claim there is "no impact" to current
>>    residents. The financial analysis used a cost per student of $6.3K, when
>>    our school's cost per student is at least 4 times that.  This
>>    <>  report
>>    from the Department of Education puts LPS (excluding Hanscom) at $27K per
>>    pupil. The town with the lowest cost per pupil in the state is at $13K,
>>    nowhere close to the $6K. Using accurate numbers for that financial
>>    analysis would imply steep tax increases for current Lincoln residents.
>>    Let's remember that in this case, we are talking about apartments being
>>    rented starting at $4K a month.
>>    - I strongly believe in providing full transparency on the impact of
>>    rezoning to the town. If there is a tax and traffic impact, we need to be
>>    clear on it. The town may decide to take on these costs in the spirit of
>>    increasing housing, but it should be up to each resident to decide that 
>> for
>>    themselves, after being provided an accurate cost/benefit analysis.
>>    Residents have volunteered to conduct this analysis, but the committee has
>>    not taken them up on the offer, so far.
>>    - There seems to be a reluctance from the committee to provide more
>>    than one option for residents to vote on. There is another option that
>>    would entail rezoning areas where condos are already extant and the
>>    probability of redevelopment is much lower. The committee is very 
>> reluctant
>>    to follow this path. I am unclear as to why we do not want to present more
>>    than one option up to vote, when we do so for other big projects like the
>>    school or the community center.
>> Given such an important decision that may change the landscape of our
>> town for decades to come, we owe it to ourselves to look at these issues
>> more carefully. I struggle to understand why we are rushing to submit a
>> proposal to the state when we still have time before the deadline, other
>> towns are delaying and the guidelines could continue to change. The
>> proposal wouldn't even be increasing affordable housing materially.
>> Karla Gravis
>> Weston Rd
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