Agree. We'll stated.

On Mon, Oct 16, 2023, 9:35 AM David Onigman <> wrote:

> I have been hesitant to engage in the housing discussion on LincolnTalk,
> but after reading a few recent comments about the motives for some of the
> Codman Road residents and their advocacy in favor of the Housing Choice Act
> and our road being included in it, I am inspired to weigh in.
> I live on Codman Road and was one of the residents that advocated in favor
> of my area of South Lincoln to be included in the proposals submitted to
> the Commonwealth to be in compliance with the Housing Choice Act.
> I consider myself a housing advocate and generally speaking am in favor of
> the legislation. There is a housing crisis in this country, and in
> Massachusetts, and every town can do their part to contribute a small bit
> to increased inventory to support this issue.
> I also consider myself an advocate of public transportation and am a
> frequent user of the commuter rail. My family is able to currently be a one
> car family largely in part to my proximity to the train into Boston.
> I am in support of all plans that include these subdistricts to be as
> close to the Commuter Rail as possible, as I believe that to be in the
> spirit of this legislation, and also what is best for our town planning.
> I love Lincoln, I think Lincoln is an amazing place to live and raise
> children.
> Lincoln is over 40% conservation land and nothing is ever going to change
> that.
> I believe that the effects of the HCA to loosen a bit of the zoning laws
> in certain subdistricts to not be by-right single-family housing is a good
> thing.
> I believe towns like Lincoln that are looking to support a small
> commercial center and maintain services like a grocery store need to modify
> a bit of the by-right zoning to ensure that things like having a grocery
> store are sustainable.
> Let me clarify that my beliefs are not driven by any personal financial
> aspirations linked to my property. For those seeking assurance, my lot,
> surrounded by wetlands, isn't viable for further development. Our family
> home, built in 1951, has always stood here, and we have no intentions of
> leaving.
> So I am just here to say - yes, in my backyard, I support the HCA, I
> support Codman road being included as one of the subdistricts.
> Every town can do a small part to support more housing inventory and every
> town can do a small part to allow more housing near public transportation.
> I’m not looking to engage in any LincolnTalk back and forth on my thoughts
> on this, but if anyone is looking to discuss these topics further offline,
> please feel free to write me an email and we can grab a cup of coffee.
> --
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