The link I posted last night about tonight's Planning Board meeting showed up 
here, but the note I wrote to accompany it didn't, so here's the note, with 
link attached to next post:Hi, all — Tuesday eve at 7 the Planning Board and 
Housing Choice Act Working Group will meet on Zoom to discuss the HCA. This
act will likely mean significant changes to Lincoln’s built environment
(and as a consequence to some of its natural infrastructure), and the myriad issues involved bear consideration by all of Lincoln’s voters. Your voice matters.In my next note is the meeting agenda, with a link to the Zoom. The Town website links are verrrrrrry slow, so you might bookmark the link post and click in tomorrow from this Zoom link. (The other item on the docket is a
project planned by Codman Community Farms; should be interesting!)See you there 
~Deb Howe
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