Attached are a new list of open questions submitted to the Selects we
believe should be answered ahead of the vote on December 2nd to ensure
residents can make an informed decision when asked to vote on a zoning

HCA open questions

Lincoln Residents for Housing Alternatives



   What changes to the bylaws, beyond the change in the number of units per
   acre, are you currently considering? In particular, but not exclusive:

      Is there any consideration to revisiting the limit quotient of 25% of
      Gross Floor Area to Lot Area?

      What is the minimum percentage of commercial space gross floor area
      in the mandatory mixed use district?

   Can you clarify what is the rationale for not disclosing which potential
   parcel sale the Selects have been discussing inn three executive
   sessions since this summer? The law
   requires “a public body to demonstrate a reasonable basis for that claim if
   challenged”. Simply stating that disclosing the parcel would be detrimental
   for negotiating purposes is not a sufficient basis. We need to understand
   why. If the parcel in question is one of the public parcels proposed to be
   zoned, it becomes an urgent and important matter to understand whether the
   town is in negotiations. We fail to understand why publicizing a potential
   sale would not be positive as it would invite more interested parties into
   the negotiation, which could push the price higher.

   Why has the HCAWG not conducted a comprehensive financial analysis of
   the implications of rezoning? Are there plans to initiate a financial
   analysis in the immediate future?

   Why has the HCAWG not initiated a thorough traffic study that includes
   Five Corners and assumes a more realistic number of cars, especially
   considering Option C would zone for 1,100 units with a required minimum of
   one parking place per unit?

   Why has the HCAWG not formally petitioned the State to exclude Hanscom
   from our housing inventory count? Doing so could potentially alleviate the
   burden on the town.

   Could you please inform the public about any conversations the HCAWG or
   the Selects have had with The Community Builders?

   Why has there not been a study of how rezoning would affect existing
   residents when their assessed values and, consequently, their taxes go up?
   When can residents expect to have more information about the impact of
   rezoning on property values and relatedly, taxes?

   Could the HCAWG provide insights into the reasoning behind its comfort
   with the planned reduction of commercial space at the Mall? This appears to
   be in contrast to the goal of supporting our commercial center.

   Why is the DPW site included in proposals despite contributing zero
   units to compliance? What is advantageous to lock the parcel at a 10%
   affordability rate?

   Could the HCAWG elaborate on the rationale for the decision to rezone
   both commuter lots? We are especially surprised considering our commitment
   to supporting public transportation and decarbonization.

   What might be the implications on outside watering restrictions
   typically in place during the hot months if the town were to add the
   maximum 1,100-1,200 units in Options C-D? Given existing restrictions, this
   is a concern for residents.

   What is the rationale behind including private parcels in proposals that
   contribute zero units to our compliance target and are unnecessary for
   compliance, such as 136 & 140 Lincoln Rd and 108 Codman Rd?

   What would happen to Lincoln's 100' wetland buffer in the rezoned
   parcels? We are submitting a proposal that only considers 50' buffers. What
   are the implications for the rest of the town? Can other property owners
   claim disparate treatment if they are required to follow our bylaws? Will
   the town have to drop the 100' from our bylaws? Will a study of the
   environmental impact of reducing wetland buffers across rezoned areas be

   Has the town officially requested the State to correct the developable
   acreage at Lincoln Woods and the Mall? Clarification on this matter would
   be appreciated.

   Could you please share the models submitted to the State for Options

Attachment: Open Questions HCA zoning 11.17.23.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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